175 LBS to 130 LBS

Hi, before I begin introducing myself personally, I'm wanting to be explanatory about my physique. First of all, I'm right in the average height zone which is 5'4 and I am currently 175 LBS. That probably seems normal to you, but I feel like beat up biscuits in the wrong mix with my diet. My stomach's overweight, there's considerable amounts of back fat in the back that weighs me down, and there's dark circles around my eyes and nose that I have to put makeup on or I'll look like a zombie. Overall, there's chaos in my food choices and body itself. I'm basically stumped with questions that the internet cannot fully answer without having a redundancy in it. If any of you generous people can support me in guiding my bad ways into good ways, that'd be appreciated at this very moment. Sooner or later would be the best thing. However, waiting for a month for an answer is absurd.


  • bnmoyler
    bnmoyler Posts: 133 Member
    You should go vegetarian/vegan. That's what got me started. I started cooking and preparing my own foods. I went from 225-145. My goal is 130.
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    What do you mean "waiting for a month for an answer"? Perhaps I'm misreading your words but that sounds a bit rude.

    What are your actual goals?
  • granturismo
    granturismo Posts: 232 Member
    What do you mean "waiting for a month for an answer"? Perhaps I'm misreading your words but that sounds a bit rude.

    Has the OP been translated online to English? Some of the phrasing sounds odd.
  • Hi, I just happened to notice your post and found your weight goals interesting. I am 5'3", started at 176 lbs and am currently 170 after 2 weeks, and would like to be right around 130-135 as well. I do Weight Watchers and exercise (biking, walking, jogging). I don't actually go to Weight Watchers meetings or anything, I just count my points to restrict calories and be aware of what I'm eating. Once I started looking at points, I was shocked at how much I was eating before and was like no wonder I gained so much weight! With our similar weight loss goals, maybe we can support/help each other reach our goals!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    You should go vegetarian/vegan. That's what got me started. I started cooking and preparing my own foods. I went from 225-145. My goal is 130.
    You should only go vegetarian/vegan for whatever principles are important to you(religion, morals, beliefs) not for weight loss. Anymore than I would become a Christian to get some free red wine at communion on Sundays. I can assure you that, having been vegetarian for 18 years (since I was 18) there are a good many things you can eat while vegetarian and can put on weight. If you are making the lifestyle choice to be vegetarian for weight loss you will be disappointed. I did not become a vegetarian just to "lose some weight". I have certain ideologies and if I had become vegetarian just to lose weight, I'd have given it up long ago. Its cals in, cals out.
    Copied from an article in " the examiner" article title "Going vegetarian for the wrong reasons":
    "A vegetarian diet can be healthy, nutritious, and provide a holistically-complete lifestyle without necessarily resulting in weight loss. However, if it is done for the wrong reasons, to achieve weight loss or to act as a cover for an eating disorder, vegetarianism can be detrimental. Of predominant concern is that it would mask an eating disorder, preventing an individual from getting necessary care. Additionally, people with an eating disorder are also less likely to be conscious of making sure they are obtaining necessary vitamins and minerals (such as B12 and iron) which can be harder to obtain from a vegetarian diet.

    Therefore, vegetarianism must be approached for the right reasons and followed in a healthful manner. It is not a reason or an excuse to avoid certain foods, but should instead be used as a lifestyle choice for those who choose to adopt it for the right reasons."
  • You should go vegetarian/vegan. That's what got me started. I started cooking and preparing my own foods. I went from 225-145. My goal is 130.
    You should only go vegetarian/vegan for whatever principles are important to you(religion, morals, beliefs) not for weight loss. Anymore than I would become a Christian to get some free red wine at communion on Sundays. I can assure you that, having been vegetarian for 18 years (since I was 18) there are a good many things you can eat while vegetarian and can put on weight. If you are making the lifestyle choice to be vegetarian for weight loss you will be disappointed. I did not become a vegetarian just to "lose some weight". I have certain ideologies and if I had become vegetarian just to lose weight, I'd have given it up long ago. Its cals in, cals out.

    Agreed! I am a vegetarian and i am also 180lbs with a goal of 125lbs! i didn't choose to be a vegetarian to loose weight, i have been one since i was 9yrs (because of health issues) and I still grew to be a heavy set girl. Being vegetarian/Vegan doesn't make you "skinny"!
  • silkmils60
    silkmils60 Posts: 1 Member
    I agree with bnmoyler that maybe cooking your own meals is a good way to change bad habits. Due to work I found myself eating on the go and invariably started putting the pounds back on. I'm making more effort to prepare meals in advance and of course trying to exercise more. I wish you luck - don't give up.
  • jeanlake
    jeanlake Posts: 130 Member
    Do you have access to a trainer?
  • Reprocess
    Reprocess Posts: 43 Member
    You should only go vegetarian/vegan for whatever principles are important to you(religion, morals, beliefs) not for weight loss. Anymore than I would become a Christian to get some free red wine at communion on Sundays

    I'm going Christian for free red wine.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    I'm 5'3.5" and started at 170 lbs June of last year. I'm currently 120 lbs. Just moderate deficit, fitting foods in I enjoy while learning to balance my nutrient intake and falling in love with weightlifting. Best advice is to log 100%, never give up, and lose weight at a steady pace, teaching yourself lifelong habits ;) a good read to get you started:

  • _benjammin
    _benjammin Posts: 1,224 Member
    You should only go vegetarian/vegan for whatever principles are important to you(religion, morals, beliefs) not for weight loss. Anymore than I would become a Christian to get some free red wine at communion on Sundays

    I'm going Christian for free red wine.
    Don't do it! It's grape juice!
  • caracrawford1
    caracrawford1 Posts: 657 Member
    You should only go vegetarian/vegan for whatever principles are important to you(religion, morals, beliefs) not for weight loss. Anymore than I would become a Christian to get some free red wine at communion on Sundays

    I'm going Christian for free red wine.
    Don't do it! It's grape juice!
    Back in the day they used to give you wine, and everyone drank from the same chalice, even the dude with the cold sore. :huh:
  • I'm not a vegetarian fan and you're supposed to eat more than protein supplements and beans. Chicken, fish, and red meats during a woman's cycle are vital in a woman's diet. True and sincere, this is. Wine does absolutely nothing. I've had help so far with 2 people on here. The rest of you have helped generously and I'll remember what you all have said. Other than that, I apologize for not coming on lately. Activities have been happening that prevented my response on here at the right period.