Over 100 pound loss loose skin ?



  • I'm just curious if the people who are struggling with the excess skin have been doing strength training throughout their weight loss?
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Well remember everyone surgery is the LAST RESORT. From what I hear if you get into very low body fat it kinda sorts itself out. Half the time what you have is leftover deposits of subcutaneous fat under your skin. Force your body to burn that and the skin usually tightens well. Sometimes there's a little left behind but if you still have bags after doing that you are the exception not the rule.

    My current goal is to get to 15% body fat. Once I get there Carb cycle down to 8% and hold it for as long as possible. I'm not even sure if I will have loose skin yet. I have some hanging sacky kind of areas but they are too thick to just be skin. There is still some fat there. Here is a good test. Pinch the skin on the back of your knuckle. If you're loose skin is thicker than that. There's fat in it.

    That's a wonderful goal for you, but for some people (me included) 15% body fat will never be attainable. Do I expect that toning will improve some of my skin issues, yes, and I am willing to work on it, to a point, but I refuse to feel terrible in my own body with all the hard work I've done, just because of my skin.

    Thing is the surgery really isn't minor. And the recovery time is long half the people who do it put on weight while recovering and end up with some pretty horrific scars. So honestly vanity surgery for loose skin just seems like a really silly idea to me. It's a horrific possibly scarring process that half the time doesn't work. Further weight loss however probably will and doesn't involve any scalpels.

    Honestly I don't think .. from what I have read that getting down to very low body fat is such a hard thing. You just have to know how and control your diet. You actually eat at very close to your tdee when losing fat at that point. Plus refeed days sound like baked potato paradise. It's just a matter of realizing that getting to very low body fat isn't just a matter of cutting calories anymore at least if you want to keep your muscle.

    Sounds a lot easier than dealing with surgical recovery but that's just my 2c

    Oh and also remember your body fat numbers are higher than mine because you are a woman :) I think if you got into high teens you would be set.

    I don't WANT to be down to a low body fat. I have absolutely ZERO desire. None. My ideal body type is that of Christina Hendricks. I still want to be a voluptuous woman. I want to have full hips, breasts, and a butt. I just don't want all of that nasty skin hanging off of my arms, thighs, belly, and back. I want my boobs lifted and put back where they're supposed to be. I haven't worked in almost, 8/9 years at is it, so I'm not worried at all about time. I was a stay at home wife after the department store I worked for was sold and there were no counters (I was a Counter Manager for Elizabeth Arden Cosmetics) to transfer to, so I just went home, then three years later had my daughter. I think having a horribly thin body at my height with my bat wings all thinned out would be possibly even more gross than they are now. I remember how my 88lbs grandmother looked. She had them from when she was obese and lost a dramatic amount of weight. Yeah, it's not something I want. For once in my life, I'd like to have a nice looking body. I don't like pain, but I'll sure as hell endure it to get rid of all of this and have the body I want.
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Well remember everyone surgery is the LAST RESORT. From what I hear if you get into very low body fat it kinda sorts itself out. Half the time what you have is leftover deposits of subcutaneous fat under your skin. Force your body to burn that and the skin usually tightens well. Sometimes there's a little left behind but if you still have bags after doing that you are the exception not the rule.

    My current goal is to get to 15% body fat. Once I get there Carb cycle down to 8% and hold it for as long as possible. I'm not even sure if I will have loose skin yet. I have some hanging sacky kind of areas but they are too thick to just be skin. There is still some fat there. Here is a good test. Pinch the skin on the back of your knuckle. If you're loose skin is thicker than that. There's fat in it.

    That is a good goal but whoever told you that is wrong. I have been there and done that, from going through it first hand I can tell you it doesn't help. First off carb cycle, refeed what ever doesn't work any better then the old fashion way of eating less and doing more but the grind just gets much tougher. Also how thick the skin is doesnt work sometimes, because what causes the skin to be lose sometimes is the leftover collagen. It wont go away and its not fat, you cant lose so it will still add thickness to your "skin". I can tell right from the feel.
    I dont know what % I am in the pics but as you can see all the muscles in my back, my abs, the popping veins it cant be to high. I have been leaner then this and its not easy to get to but not as hard as some people make it out to be, but what will get you is the cold. The not eating very much at all, I could deal with, but not the cold and I live in Miami. I think my bf % has been around 10-12% for almost 2 years and the skin hasn't gotten any better.

    Now I am not telling anyone what to do, I am only saying what I have been through. Every ones path to success will be different as it means different things to different people.
  • tjphelps73
    tjphelps73 Posts: 171 Member
    I have lost 146lbs - I have 50lbs to go and I have saggy skin.
    I have bat wings - under the arm, pouches on the inside of my thighs, and my belly - well it is just scary.
    With all that being said - it is not a factor in continuing my journey to being a healthy, strong, and agile adult. It keeps me feeling great and I do not mind wearing clothes, so no one is going to see those areas.

    I have been obese my entire life so yes my skin is Stretched. In the coming years if my belly skin continues to thin out, I will look into it being removed because it will cause medical issues which in the long run will cost more than removing it. At this point, surgery is not even on the brain. Losing the weight, keeping it off, and being a healthy adult are my focus. I lift and do cardio. The lifting is changed up every two-four weeks so I work different areas/muscle groups and give others time to build.

    Slow and steady for me.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    It didn't work for me therefore it doesn't work. Yeaaah I can't see the logic there.

    And people I'm not trying to tell you what you want. I'm trying to tell you that temporarily going where you don't wanna be might be a better solution than going under the knife. Surgery always should be what you opt for when you have tried absolutely everything else. That's my position. I think that leaping straight for vanity surgery is irresponsible,wasteful risky and prone to backfire. I'm not trying to make you feel guilty about what you want to be. If after your skin tightens, If indeed it does you want to go back to a higher body fat% for your own comfort I'm sure I would have nothing but praise for your forthrightness and self determination. Admittedly I haven't gone through the process myself. But skin tightening is very much and individual thing and CrusaderSam while I can see it probably hasn't worked for you. That does NOT mean it hasn't worked for many others and that it wont work for me. I am not trying to be an *kitten* and say diet moar! be skinny! I mean after all I don't intend to stay at single digit body fat myself. If I even get there. But I do intend to push as hard as I possibly can to get rid of the fat and tighten my skin before I even consider something like surgery. And honestly even if my skin doesn't tighten. I still probably won't go for it. Sorry but no matter what you say about your choices or whatever I will just never approve of approaching any kind of major surgery casually. I didn't say it should never be considered. I merely said it should be the very last resort.
  • thecarbmonster
    thecarbmonster Posts: 411 Member
    I am trying to include dry-brushing in my regular routine. With a natural fiber brush, you lightly brush the skin to help exfoliation. It also encourages better circulation by brushing only one-way (not a back-and-forth swiping motion) towards the heart. I'm curious if this would help people with excess fluid retention in their limbs, as well.
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Rhachicho, I bet you also enjoy telling people how they should live their lives in other regards, like who they should marry or how they should vote.
  • keeponkickin
    keeponkickin Posts: 1,520 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far. You know, I was in my early 40's when I lost over 100 pounds in a year. I reached 100 pounds lost in 9 months and then reached 110 at my one year mark. Been maintaining for 3 years now. I did this all natural, no surgery. Just old fashioned diet and exercise and was very motivated. I don't have any real issues with skin. The only issue I have is from four pregnancies and four c-sections but not from the weight loss. I think so much depends on age, genetics, etc. Lose at a slow, steady rate, drink plenty of water, moisturize, exercise and hope for the best. You're better off losing the weight and dealing with some lose skin and being a healthier you. Here is a couple of my pics.

  • raventwo
    raventwo Posts: 91 Member
    I started at 360. I've lost 81# and I've definitely noticed saggy, loose skin. I don't think it will always be like that. You have to give yourself a couple years after hitting your goal weight for your skin to catch up. I have a 5 year goal, 3 years to hit my goal weight and another 2 years to tone and tighten. Once I get there I will reassess my skin and decide whether or not to have surgery.

    I have been obese for 20 years so I am aware that some areas may not tighten up as well. I've seen other people who've lost 100+ pounds and continue to strength train and who've tightened up a lot. Young or old you can tighten your skin a lot if you strength train.
    This is good to hear. I started at 368 (lost over 85 before coming to mfp) and have now lost over 182 pounds. I was overweight for over 25 years, am losing this slowly (3 1/3 years so far to get to this point), am biking (recumbent exercise bike - bad knees), hiking (slowly..lol..but truly hiking since I am lucky enough to be able to get someplace gorgeous - Mt. Rainier National Park). My arms, and thighs are the worst areas re loose skin. Oddly enough my tummy isn't that bad. And my neck...that I will get fixed eventually...Lifestyle Lift here I come..lol. ;-)
  • stephiejean37
    stephiejean37 Posts: 75 Member
    Congrats on your weight loss so far. You know, I was in my early 40's when I lost over 100 pounds in a year. I reached 100 pounds lost in 9 months and then reached 110 at my one year mark. Been maintaining for 3 years now. I did this all natural, no surgery. Just old fashioned diet and exercise and was very motivated. I don't have any real issues with skin. The only issue I have is from four pregnancies and four c-sections but not from the weight loss. I think so much depends on age, genetics, etc. Lose at a slow, steady rate, drink plenty of water, moisturize, exercise and hope for the best. You're better off losing the weight and dealing with some lose skin and being a healthier you. Here is a couple of my pics.


    Great job! Very inspirational!
  • CrusaderSam
    CrusaderSam Posts: 180 Member
    Rhachicho, I bet you also enjoy telling people how they should live their lives in other regards, like who they should marry or how they should vote.

    I think that is kind of unfair. Non of this is easy, lots of people have trouble with their looks(and loose skin makes it even harder). Sometimes people cling to irrational things and ideas to help them cope. It often makes people come off as odd. If we don't cope with it, old habits can creep back fast. I know I pushed away a lot of people I shouldn't have trying to deal with it. I dont think I will ever fully deal with it but I am glad I have friends that put up with me.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    I'm 52, and its not quite as bad as I thought it was going to be. I had envisioned rolls and rolls of excess skin. My stomach is a little saggy and it kind of looks like wrinkly elephant skin more than anything. My thighs look that way too. The boobs have probably suffered the most. When I was fat, they were very large, now they are like two deflated balloons lol!
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    Rhachicho, I bet you also enjoy telling people how they should live their lives in other regards, like who they should marry or how they should vote.

    I think that is kind of unfair. Non of this is easy, lots of people have trouble with their looks(and loose skin makes it even harder). Sometimes people cling to irrational things and ideas to help them cope. It often makes people come off as odd. If we don't cope with it, old habits can creep back fast. I know I pushed away a lot of people I shouldn't have trying to deal with it. I dont think I will ever fully deal with it but I am glad I have friends that put up with me.

    Not everyone gets or has trouble losing loose skin you know.. It's not taking refuge to have optimism that you will be one of the lucky ones. And as for telling people what to do hah! I bet you say that to anyone who tries to tell you that you are wrong about anything. That was a complete knee jerk defensive reaction and I wont even justify it by debating it. You are just having a strop because you know what I say has a good grain of truth in it and you don't want to hear it. You just want to go to sleep and wake up beautiful. What I am saying is not to prove myself right it is out of concern for you and people like you who think that a doctor can fix everything perfectly. But fact is that concern has run it's course. If that impolite assumptive attitude is the one you want to take by all means go under the knife. Just remember you where warned.
  • tony56pr
    tony56pr Posts: 141 Member
    I'm 37 male and I went from 295+ with a 57" waist to 165.6 pounds and 33" waist. Do I have loose skin? Yes sadly I do. It has only been a year for me, so can't say if with more time will it shrink, but I'd have to say I have less than I thought I would. However I can cover it up with pants, all the loose skin sags below my navel. If I'm doing pushups I hate the way it looks, bunch of loose skin just hanging.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm not one to deny, there are people who absolutely can, and may have skin that will go back, and they'll look wonderful! I won't be one of them. I've been fat 31 years. I weighed 100lbs before I was 7 years old. None of this is going any where. Am I vain? Absolutely. I will freely admit it. I've worked damn hard to get where I am, and I want to look good. I realize no surgery comes without risk. No surgery should be taken lightly. When I do it, it will be my first time having *this* type of surgery, but it's not my first rodeo with any type of surgery. I'll spare the details of the two I've gone in for, and it would make most people cringe, but it gave me my life back, and without it, I know I wouldn't be here today. It was extremely painful, but there's no doubt, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. For those that are concerned about us who eventually will be having surgery, have you gone through it yourself? Does this affect your opinion/advice you're giving to others?
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Not everyone gets or has trouble losing loose skin you know.. It's not taking refuge to have optimism that you will be one of the lucky ones. And as for telling people what to do hah! I bet you say that to anyone who tries to tell you that you are wrong about anything. That was a complete knee jerk defensive reaction and I wont even justify it by debating it. You are just having a strop because you know what I say has a good grain of truth in it and you don't want to hear it. You just want to go to sleep and wake up beautiful. What I am saying is not to prove myself right it is out of concern for you and people like you who think that a doctor can fix everything perfectly. But fact is that concern has run it's course. If that impolite assumptive attitude is the one you want to take by all means go under the knife. Just remember you where warned.

    It seems to me like you are the one being defensive now. I'm glad that you had a good experience with your skin, but some of us won't, and may want to opt for surgery. All of your posts have basically called us lazy liars who take the easy way out. I don't think you can call anyone who has lost 100+ pounds lazy. That is why I have continued to reply to your posts; I don't want anyone else to be scared away from consulting a plastic surgeon if that is their choice, because of your posts.

    I have a plastic surgeon (he has done 2 hand surgeries for me) and he said that given my history, I will have excess skin that won't go away, no matter my body fat or how much I work out. My gastroenterologist, who also seems me semi-naked twice a year for the last 3 years, has said the same thing. I'll take their professional medical opinions over that of someone on the internet.

    Reply and call me lazy and impolite if you like, I have an excess of thick skin, I can handle it.
  • RHachicho
    RHachicho Posts: 1,115 Member
    I'm not one to deny, there are people who absolutely can, and may have skin that will go back, and they'll look wonderful! I won't be one of them. I've been fat 31 years. I weighed 100lbs before I was 7 years old. None of this is going any where. Am I vain? Absolutely. I will freely admit it. I've worked damn hard to get where I am, and I want to look good. I realize no surgery comes without risk. No surgery should be taken lightly. When I do it, it will be my first time having *this* type of surgery, but it's not my first rodeo with any type of surgery. I'll spare the details of the two I've gone in for, and it would make most people cringe, but it gave me my life back, and without it, I know I wouldn't be here today. It was extremely painful, but there's no doubt, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. For those that are concerned about us who eventually will be having surgery, have you gone through it yourself? Does this affect your opinion/advice you're giving to others?

    The advice I gave I believe was that surgery should be a last resort when you have tried everything else not the first thing you reach for as a quick fix. It sounds like that was the case for you and the surgery was appropriate. I never once said that the surgery is for no one. Just that it should be carefully considered and avoided if at all possible. Which I still believe is sound rational advice. I am glad yours worked out for you. I don't wish a bad end on anyone.
  • formerfatboy1
    formerfatboy1 Posts: 76 Member
    I've lost over 100lbs and during my weight loss journey I started lifting weights and didn't have any loose skin except for one area which is my lower abdominal area. I still have some fat to shed so hopefully it will completely go away. Staying hydrated helped a lot with keeping the skin tight. Just gotta Keep pushing!
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Hey everyone. My goal is to lose over 100 pounds! 160 to be honest. I started out at 335 (ugh) I have been using MFP and exercising for 4 months and have lost 46 pounds I was so happy to get under that dreaded 300 pound mark! My question is has anyone lost this amount of weight and had issues with skin? I'd love to see some before and after photos to reassure me that my skin will tighten. I mean I know I will never be a model, but hoping I don't have saggy skin forever. I am only 27 so I have time for it to tighten. Yes I drink a lot of water. Been drinking 8 cups a day! And trying to lose the weight slowly as too keep it off, and give the skin a chance to tighten as well.

    Thanks! I am definitely here for the long run!
    I don't post this to reassure you but more to encourage you to not care about the skin. Wrinkles wont kill you, obesity will
    I have an ok shot of my loose skin on my profile along with some before shots. There are some pretty big wrinkles on my upper thighs and you can see my bat wings a bit. it shows my abdominal wrinkles pretty well. i also have some wrinkles under what is left of my butt. i also have some accordion wrinkles on my boobs when i put on a bra so i use a pushup now to smooth them. i went from a D cup to B cup. I love my wrinkles. it is proof of my hard work. i completely love and accept my body. i did this to me and so it is what it is. Genetics, age, nutrition and amount and length of time obese are huge factors. i would say my skin has tightened up about 25%. I weigh 150 lbs at 5'5' and wear a size 6. I am working out to improve the muscles which does improve the way the skin looks. My life is so much easier and happier now that loose skin isn't even on my radar.
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    I'm not one to deny, there are people who absolutely can, and may have skin that will go back, and they'll look wonderful! I won't be one of them. I've been fat 31 years. I weighed 100lbs before I was 7 years old. None of this is going any where. Am I vain? Absolutely. I will freely admit it. I've worked damn hard to get where I am, and I want to look good. I realize no surgery comes without risk. No surgery should be taken lightly. When I do it, it will be my first time having *this* type of surgery, but it's not my first rodeo with any type of surgery. I'll spare the details of the two I've gone in for, and it would make most people cringe, but it gave me my life back, and without it, I know I wouldn't be here today. It was extremely painful, but there's no doubt, I'd do it again in a heartbeat. For those that are concerned about us who eventually will be having surgery, have you gone through it yourself? Does this affect your opinion/advice you're giving to others?

    The advice I gave I believe was that surgery should be a last resort when you have tried everything else not the first thing you reach for as a quick fix. It sounds like that was the case for you and the surgery was appropriate. I never once said that the surgery is for no one. Just that it should be carefully considered and avoided if at all possible. Which I still believe is sound rational advice. I am glad yours worked out for you. I don't wish a bad end on anyone.

    I haven't *had* skin surgery, yet. I've had an obstetric fistula repair X 2. I was just curious if you or anyone else who were cautioning/advising to use surgery as a last resort had gone under the knife themselves for skin surgery. It is sound advise to weigh options, absolutely. Anyone who thinks it's gonna be a "quick fix", yeah, they're in for a rude awakening. There's nothing quick about it.
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