Help, I keep gaining!

so ive been struggling like 2 weeks ago went from 107.4 to 109.0 than like end of last week got back down to 107.6 but this week it went up to 108.4+ lbs and i dont know what to do!! Like ive been doing more lunges and squats also drive by inner thighs couple times a day and i need to quit snacking on pretzels but still i dont get why i could of gained?! Can drinking ton more water for couple days help? I drink like none i just want to lose 2 lbs quick :( HELP! my legs are sooo sore inner thighs cause today is my 4th day doing drive by inner thighs

Also im short 5'1" so this is healthy weight range tbh i checked!


  • Aikigoth
    Aikigoth Posts: 40 Member
    If you are two pounds from your goal weight, you won't be able to drop it in a week. Chill and give yourself a month- aim to lose 1/2 lb a week.

    Also measure yourself. Track your measures, not your weight at this point. If you haven't loss strength, your measurements have decreased and your weight comes up it is muscle & healthy weight.

    Also, stop killing your legs. A day in between leg work outs, dear.
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Maintenance range is around 2-3 lbs. If you're staying in that range, I wouldn't worry. Weight fluctuates. That's always going to be a fact. Why are you so fixated on a number?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    I always bounce around a 5 pound range and I'm 5'3". It's completely normal because it's water weight which is not constant. 2-3 pounds is nothing and is probably just water, is there a reason you're so desperate to lose them? They aren't going to make a real difference in how your clothes fit or you look.
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    Deep breaths. You'll get there eventually. Stick with it and keep eating at the appropriate calorie intake.
  • Sailatsorf
    Sailatsorf Posts: 161 Member
    I was 143 yesterday and 141 this morning. It just happens. Keep track of your sodium intake, as too much can cause bloating and water retention, which will make your weight fluctuate pretty wildly.
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    Maintenance range is around 2-3 lbs. If you're staying in that range, I wouldn't worry. Weight fluctuates. That's always going to be a fact. Why are you so fixated on a number?

  • MeLanceUppercut
    MeLanceUppercut Posts: 116 Member
    Yeah I get hung up these number too. I feel like as long as I'm working out and eating ok, then it's fine.
  • smamward
    smamward Posts: 2 Member
    It's all good. Don't fuss!

    Maybe think about stepping away from the scale for a while. Worrying about one or two pounds is not healthy. If you are already in a healthy weight range then you're fine.

    If you want to lose the two pounds because you want to look different, then I suggest focus on muscle building and you will look better even if you gain some weight.
  • almcginn
    almcginn Posts: 15 Member
    Maintenance range is around 2-3 lbs. If you're staying in that range, I wouldn't worry. Weight fluctuates. That's always going to be a fact. Why are you so fixated on a number?

    I totally agree with 'Toad' on this one. I've been known to drop over a pound just doing my morning 'routine.' Also, if I had the choice to scrutinize either diet or workout routine, it would be diet. My personal experience is that losing weight is 80% diet (nutrition & caloric intake). My two cents..
  • W31RD0
    W31RD0 Posts: 173 Member
    so ive been struggling like 2 weeks ago went from 107.4 to 109.0 than like end of last week got back down to 107.6 but this week it went up to 108.4+ lbs and i dont know what to do!! Like ive been doing more lunges and squats also drive by inner thighs couple times a day and i need to quit snacking on pretzels but still i dont get why i could of gained?! Can drinking ton more water for couple days help? I drink like none i just want to lose 2 lbs quick :( HELP! my legs are sooo sore inner thighs cause today is my 4th day doing drive by inner thighs

    Also im short 5'1" so this is healthy weight range tbh i checked!

    Diary closed.

    Nothing we can do.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    If you're drinking pop, switching to water might help. If I drink pop instead of soda, I will add at least 1.5 pounds.

    Weight fluctuates, too. Don't forget that. :)
  • loubidy
    loubidy Posts: 440 Member
    I lost a 1.5lbs one day just from having a poop and a pee. No joke.