trying to build strength

Hi everyone!
So this is me:
I was anorexic, recovered and stayed at a stable healthy weight for a few years before unhealthy eating made me gain some unwelcome weight. Then I cycled between heavy restricting and binging as a result of the restricting. I only gained more weight, and it was hard on my mind and body. I'm done harming myself. I'm ready to be healthy, in shape. I'm not totally out of shape now - I have abs, sort of (and I'm pretty proud of it) - but I want to do aerial arts in college like I have for the past few summers at a summer program, but I want to do them properly, with good form. I leave in 2 weeks, and I know that's not enough time to get into shape, but I want to put in place an exercise program that I can continue to use once I'm there. I want to build mostly core and upper body strength but also get strong legs. The thing is... I have no clue where to start. How do I build that strength?
My focus is mostly on building strength and not on losing excess pounds, so should I be eating at maintenance? I do want to lose some body fat, it's just not my main focus.

Anyway, yeah. That's me! I'm going to spend today figuring out what foods to buy and getting them as well as collecting healthy recipes and I'll also try and put together an exercise program, and then tomorrow I'll start to implement it.