Sugar sugar

i am having difficulty with my sugar count! I am over my count for the day after breakfast!!! Is it more important to keep the fat levels down and not worry so much about fruit sugars? I refuse to use artificial sweeteners for anything as they are worse for you than even refined sugar, so brown unrefined it is, but still, I think some of the intake allowances are a bit crazy... Or is that just me???

Thanks for any advice...


  • thektturner
    thektturner Posts: 228 Member
    Most everything I've read says to ignore sugars in fruit and milk. I let myself go over by the amount that's in my fruit without worrying about it. Or else I would never get to eat fruit, which is not healthy either.

    It's most refined sugars you should worry about. I did realize that I have to stay away from otherwise "healthy" foods like yogurt (not that I was that big a fan of yogurt anyway, so that wasn't a big sacrifice).

    But if you're just starting out: don't worry about doing everything perfectly all at once. Just remember how much better you ARE eating than you WERE eating.
  • lordofultima
    All sugar is still sugar, although refined sugar is the sugar you should really be looking out for. I try to keep my sugar levels pretty low, sugars of any type.
  • ProTFitness
    ProTFitness Posts: 1,379 Member
    If you need to adjust yout amounts do that. I did to account for 2 pieces o fruit with 11-15 g sugar in them. That is about what you should have a day 2 servings of fruit and 5 or more veggies. Fruit is healthy for you has fiber and vitamins you do need some. Good luck