Jessica Simpson's newest shape



  • T_R_A_V
    T_R_A_V Posts: 1,629 Member
    Her legs look great though!
  • UT_Nut7
    I second that. I'll take her legs any day!
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    lol. yes, the dress isnt helping her shape. she is short, and any weight that she packs on doesnt help the cause. However, I would kill for her hair!

    I think you can buy her hair online :laugh:
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I think the biggest problem with Jessica is that everyone expects to see her a certain way because of how she looked previously. If she started out (at her current weight) I don't think anyone would have ever said BOO. It's the fact that she looks so different from how she used to that people are saying she's "fat". By no means is she FAT, BUT, she is a "fatter version of her old self" if you know what I mean.
  • GunNut37086
    GunNut37086 Posts: 37 Member
    I know I have no room to talk but...(just kidding).

    The dress is jacked-up and very unflattering, but I think she looks a lot better than her sister, who is going to make anyone look big when the stand beside her.

    Aside from that, I hope what I say next doesn't ruffle too many feathers. Jessica wanted to be a celebrity, it was largely her looks that made this possible, she has made a lot of money by taking advantage of her looks, so I think it's fair to comment on her appearance.

    Maybe my experience differs from yours, but I've only heard other women make a big deal about a celebrity's weight. I've heard and have been guilty of saying how hot some celebrity is, but I've never, ever, ever heard a guy say "OMG, have you seen how much weight so-and-so has gained lately?" In fact, the only time I've heard a guy say anything about a celebrity's weight is when Jennifer Aniston was dating Brad Pitt and started looking kind of malnourished.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    ok, i don't mean to offend all the jessica fans, but seriously!!! her smokin' hot body (aka daisey duke) is the only thing she has going for her...the chick is the DUMBEST female in history! she may sing some, but it's not worth my money. When you base your entire life and career on how you look, of course you're going to get bashed for it...i'm chubby and i even think she looks bad...her sister needs a new hair dresser while they're at it, because she's got a rooster tail coming out the back of her hideously dyed hair. I'm sorry maybe Jessica should have worked on her brains a little more, than maybe people wouldn't judge her on the only thing they liked her for.:huh:
  • tmogs
    tmogs Posts: 287 Member
    I wonder if she's pregnant, that belly seems alittle round for her.. i'm thinking she pregnant STILL BEAUTIFUL with her fullness!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,743 Member
    All I know is it's a really good thing I'm not a celebrity. I like to think I have a pretty healthy self-esteem, but I'm not remotely thick-skinned enough to take the jabs celebs take these days. Edited to add: It seems like people forget that famous people are human beings too.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    ok, i don't mean to offend all the jessica fans, but seriously!!! her smokin' hot body (aka daisey duke) is the only thing she has going for her...the chick is the DUMBEST female in history! she may sing some, but it's not worth my money. When you base your entire life and career on how you look, of course you're going to get bashed for it...i'm chubby and i even think she looks bad...her sister needs a new hair dresser while they're at it, because she's got a rooster tail coming out the back of her hideously dyed hair. I'm sorry maybe Jessica should have worked on her brains a little more, than maybe people wouldn't judge her on the only thing they liked her for.:huh:

    Not necessarily a fan, but she made $20 Million last year and is projected to make more in 2010. Wish I was that dumb.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    All I know is it's a really good thing I'm not a celebrity. I like to think I have a pretty healthy self-esteem, but I'm not remotely thick-skinned enough to take the jabs celebs take these days. Edited to add: It seems like people forget that famous people are human beings too.

    I agree with you. I also feel badly for the people who feel it bolsters their self esteem to knock others down.
  • nsueflorence
    nsueflorence Posts: 295 Member
    I couldn't see past Ashely and how stick skinny she looked. You can talk about how big people look all you want but I would way rather be looking at someone with a little extra weight then someone that looks like they might be waisting away.