how to start jogging?

I have been walking since sept on the treadmill. I do 3.0 and 3.5. If I do 4.0 its a little much. But I want to start trying to jog. I feel wierd at the gym, but at least I know how fast I am jogging. So my question is how do I start training my body to do more and then start jogging?



  • orange_avocado
    COUCH TO 5K! I was dead-bent against running before I tried this program, and now I've run and 8 mile race. It really does well at easing you into running and jogging. Good luck!
  • nikkicarter13
    nikkicarter13 Posts: 231 Member
    Have you looked into the couch to 5k program (C25K)? I suggest googling it, but basically you incorportate walking/jogging intervals. In the beginning you walk more than you jog, but as you progress through the program, you jog more than you walk eventually to jogging the whole time. It helped me get to running and I know a lot of other people who have used it as well.
  • lastchance2010
    lastchance2010 Posts: 500 Member
    I have been walking since sept on the treadmill. I do 3.0 and 3.5. If I do 4.0 its a little much. But I want to start trying to jog. I feel wierd at the gym, but at least I know how fast I am jogging. So my question is how do I start training my body to do more and then start jogging?


    way back when...i lost over 100lbs and i was doing the same kinda walk on the treadmill. But then I would do walk/run intervals. then eventually I was running my, at the time, little tail off cuz i felt comfortable running and was breathing not so hard and eventually it got to be really easy....good luck. Man I can't wait til i can start running again!
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    Yay! You will be hooked in no time. A great way to start is by doing intervals. Do a walk to warm up (5 minutes or .25 miles). Once you feel your legs are ready, run 1 minute, walk 1 minute or 2 minutes to start. Do this for a total of 30 minutes. Once you feel comfortable with your first interval, bump it up to 2 minutes running and 1-2 minutes walking. Keep going and before you know it you will be running 10 minutes straight, then the whole 30 minutes.

    Good luck!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Thanks it looks interesting. When is says brisk walk how fast should i walk and if I am jogging how fast is that on a treadmill?
  • gnrshelton
    gnrshelton Posts: 358 Member
    I am the same way. A steady 4MPH is a bit much at this point. What you need to do it do short sprints of 4 MPH (about 1 minute) about every ten minutes of your workout. Over time inch this up to every five minutes and for longer periods of time. It does work. I used to run 6 MPH on the treadmill. Also a little hint about speed is if you find the right speed for you stride its easier to run on the treadmill. Try a faster setting than 4MPH and see if its easier. If not be prepared to set the speed down again. Slow and steady and you will get there.
  • meagalayne
    meagalayne Posts: 3,382 Member
    A brisk walk is at least 3.5mph, up to 4.5 depending on how fast you can walk. A good speed for a starters jog would be anywhere between 4.0 and 5.0 - not too fast to tire yourself out, but just fast enough to be jogging vs. walking. Keep it slow and steady when you first start out. You don't have to jog fast to get a good burn and keeping it slow will help you build up your endurance and let you run for longer periods of time. You have to keep it up to see results - 3 times a week and you'll notice your run intervals getting longer and your walking recovery will feel much less laboured.

    Good luck.
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    thanks everyone for your tips. Today at the gym I did 2 min jog then 2 min walk for about 10. Felt good and bad all the same time LOL
  • HollyMac20
    HollyMac20 Posts: 259 Member
    thanks everyone for your tips. Today at the gym I did 2 min jog then 2 min walk for about 10. Felt good and bad all the same time LOL

    Good for you! This is only the beginning. You will be hooked in no time!