To mothers with children with ADHD and on meds



  • JodiS75
    JodiS75 Posts: 284
    What type of doctor do you see for your childrens ADHD? Child psychiatrist? Just your regular family doctor?.....

    We have seen lots of people. My daughter's pediatrician is the prescribing doctor. She has been seen the a speech therapist, special education specialist, psychologist, audiologist and 2 regular doctors. She is getting ready to be evaluated by Childrens' Hospital because her 2 diagnoses don't seem to be quite right or don't quite cover everything (????)
  • sculley
    sculley Posts: 2,012 Member
    What type of doctor do you see for your childrens ADHD? Child psychiatrist? Just your regular family doctor?.....

    Child Psychiatrist
  • TaneeisFitforLife
    My oldest has PDD-NOS and is on concerta and intuniv. He's on 36mg of the concerta but it wears off after lunch so we'll be going back to his doctor next week to see what we can do. My son is also in behavior therapy.

    When he first went on the medication it took a few days for us to see a change. He's been through Daytrana (which worked awesome until he decided he didn't want to wear the patch) & a few other meds before we found this balance.