What exercises help build the muscles for push ups?



  • jyogit
    jyogit Posts: 280 Member
    surprisingly enough yes they do..but the countertops i umyself doing while watching the kettle boil .. lol ..
    i tend to workout at work on a hard concrete floor so knuckles kill with only a thin yoga mat under me.. im the same with full planks..on arms im fine but wrists i bail out of after about a minute .. i hate being not able to do stuff ..
  • feralkitten1010
    feralkitten1010 Posts: 219 Member
    JoRocka wrote: »
    I have been exercising for about 8 months doing strength training and cardio. (Jillian Michaels Total Body revolution) I am stronger and thinner but I still cannot do regular style push ups. I can only do the women version with your knees on the floor. What exercises help build the muscles you need to do push ups?

    1st things first.
    that is not a "woman's version push up"

    there is no such thing as "women" exericses, or "men's" exercises.

    There are modifications. That's it.

    Second- get off the floor and off your knees- you're not going to move to full push ups because as you can tell- it is just not effective.

    Start doing full extended push ups on a wall- or if you have stairs- that's the best option- do 5-10 on a higher step- do them till you get comfortable- then start doing a few say 2-5 on the step lower- gradually move yourself down the stairs so you progress to the floor with a full body length extended push ups. Being on your knees really inhibits training for a push up.

    Also you can do "negatives" which in push ups aren't really negatives- they are just slow push ups- without the UP part.
    these can also be modified to a wall or stairs- lower yourself down slowly- as slow as you can- then get up to the starting UP position how you need (get on your knees- stand back up- whatever it takes) this will really help you develop the full range of motion and work all the muscles that need to help you.

    Thank you for posting this! I'll be switching from modified push ups to this progression method since one of my goals for 2015 is to complete a warrior dash. My strength is severely lacking!!

  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    When I'm not sick, and working hard with my trainer, he'll run me through sets of 50 pushups. When your body fails, and dumps you on your face, you switch to modified and power through.

    You'll get better at not dumping yourself on your nose that way. lol.