Piyo/T25 workout support and unbiased opinions.

I am starting my workout journey and I will need support to stay on track (feel free to add me). I own T25, I tried it and it was a little intense for me. I am looking in to getting Piyo. I read a few things online about it but I want honest opinions on the work out. Also any ideas for first starter workouts are greatly appreciated. I'm a full time student and worker, so I'm all about burning cals for half the time.
Thanks in Advance.


  • RheneeB
    RheneeB Posts: 461 Member
    Hey there xsunshinechic.....I just started T25 and I know exactly what you mean!! This week was my first week and it was a booger to get through the workouts and the one I did on Wednesday (circuit) really, really sucked. But I decided to accept that I cannot expect myself to pull the DVD's out of the box, pop them in and keep up and to be willing to just do the very best that I can, taking it one day at a time!! If you decide you want to climb back in the ring with it, add me and maybe we can push (I mean really push) each other through it!!!

    I purchased PiYo and was going to do it but decided to get through T25 first because I think it will help me in the weight loss category more and then PiYo can tone up what is left behind!
  • colleenamyers
    colleenamyers Posts: 11 Member
    I also have both PiYo and T25!

    I am concentrating mostly on T25 right now. I had hit a plateau in my weight loss and fitness journey and felt like T25 was the better route for kicking myself out of the rut. I mix in PiYo on days when I want more stretching, but I am planning on saving the full PiYo calendar for once I finish T25.

    If you want to blend the two, there is a PiYo/T25 workout calendar available on the Beachbody site under the Fitness tab. I haven't used it yet myself, but one of my fitness instructors uses the combo and loves it!

    Also, RheneeB, TOTAL BODY CIRCUIT IS THE WORST. Whenever I do that I'm convinced that Shaun T is a demon straight from hell to torture me. So you're not alone there. :laugh:

    If you want, I am doing a T25 challenge with some friends that is starting in a few weeks... we are going to keep each other motivated and also support each other on the tougher days. Add me or message me if you want to join us! It's a mix of friends from MFP and people I know in real life :)
  • rza0704
    rza0704 Posts: 5
    I just recently purchased my PiYo Challenge Pack and started about a week ago. I had to stop for a few days because I had a little injury from doing house renovations. As someone who started from being a couch potato to PiYo all I can say is that I love this workout. She wasn't kidding when she said it was high intensity but low impact. It truly is. It works out your whole body without having to make a single jump. I have over 100 pounds to lose. I'm a big girl. This workout is hard for me but with the modifiers, I'm able to barely keep up with her. She's so positive though and it just makes me enjoy her workouts even more. If you need a partner, let me know! I've been wanting to get a group of people to join me for accountability and support. It's always best to have other people doing it with you. You just help each other and push each other and makes it so much easier :)
  • ashbex
    ashbex Posts: 7 Member
    I purchased t25 and PiYo and though i've done them both occasionally, i'm starting them BOTH in unison tomorrow.. eek. I'm just going to force myself to do it, I think that piyo will really help me and I need the cardio in t25.