someone telling you that you gained weight



  • Anita4548
    Anita4548 Posts: 39 Member
    My cousin used to tell me how fat I am every time we went to theirs. Then everyone would agree with their heads ...
  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    Yes, thirty some years ago when I was in high school. Little did she know she caused me to develop an eating disorder.
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    The only time I can remember this happening, it really took me by surprise and honestly didn't even hurt my feelings much, because the person was flat wrong. I was around 260 lb when I worked at a supermarket in college, and still hovering around 260 lb years later when a former coworker (not even really an acquaintance) said, "Well I almost didn't recognize you, we have both put on a lot of weight and really aged in the past several years"...I have no idea what she meant. I truly didn't look much older nor did she. She didn't look heavier either. People are weird and sometimes rude.
  • Lemongrab13
    Lemongrab13 Posts: 206 Member
    No. Everyone talks behind my back because I'm a giant and they don't want to get squooshed.
    But it's annoying all the same.
    Just look at them, call them morons (or a 'maroon' for the sake of not getting in trouble) and walk away.
  • camorganart
    camorganart Posts: 31 Member
    Unfortunately, (fortunately?) my husband IS a doctor, so I get told I put on weight all the time.