How many meals?



  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member
    Depends on the day. One, two, six. Whatever. I never eat a meal for three hours after I get up and I've lost weight. Anyone who says it's impossible to lose without breakfast is wrong. :)
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    I have trouble with eating a bunch of small meals and end up overeating by a lot or munching on more than I meant to. I have the most success when I eat 2 larger meals and a snack here and there.
  • Evgfab
    Evgfab Posts: 5
    I have five to six small meals a day every one and a half to two hours. I have the first meal right after I wake up. I don't eat late night just because I don't feel like it, but I wake up sooooo hungry.
  • jennylilac
    jennylilac Posts: 30 Member
    Usually 5 with the one with my family being the biggest.
  • Whiskey2206
    Whiskey2206 Posts: 189 Member
    usually eat 6 times/day...3 meals, 3 snacks and occasionally 3 meals 2 snacks. It works for me and I never find myself tired or starving.
  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Three plus snacks. Usually wake up around 3-3:30 a.m., gym is at 5:00 a.m. try not to eat my breakfast until around 10-10:30. This makes me less hungry throughout the day and seems to work for me.
  • kdhamner
    kdhamner Posts: 309 Member
    I eat breakfast, am snack, lunch, afternoon snack, supper, light evening snack. This is how I was told to do it by my weight loss mentor and have had great success with it, so I continue it.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    3 meals + 1 or 2 snacks in between lunch and dinner. I try very hard to not eat after dinner. I eat later (8pm) than most so it doesn't bother me most of the time.

    On the days I swim I don't eat breakfast until I get home. A full stomach makes me feel a bit sick when I exercise. Sometimes I will drink a glass of milk before I go though.
  • Peloton73
    Peloton73 Posts: 148 Member
    3 meals and a snack.

    Breakfast - 7am
    Lunch - 11am
    Snack - 3pm
    Workout sometime between 4:30-6:30
    Dinner - 7pm

    I eat a later dinner so I don't snack out on the bad stuff at night. I stay full till bedtime.
  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    6. I get less hungry with frequent feedings and it gives me something to look forward to every few hours.
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    2-3 meals . usually 3 during the weekdays (unless i'm skipping dinner) and 2 on the weekends. i prefer bigger meals and i dont really like snacking.

    i have always pooped as many times as i eat which is one reason i've never been a snacker (the other reason is that i find chewing to be annoying so why do it more than i need?). at one point in my life i had to eat 5 meals a day. i spent a lot of time in the bathroom
  • 970Mikaela1
    970Mikaela1 Posts: 2,013 Member
    Two. normal lunch and a huge dinner right before bed.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,272 Member
    1-2 meals and 2 snacks. Lunch, snack, dinner, and snack. The idea of food right after I get up just turns my stomach so I usually don't eat until 3-4 hours after that point. If I have a really challenging work out in the morning, I will add a small snack right after like a piece of fruit, some nuts, or a glass of milk. It works for me and I am never hungry this way.
  • persistentsoul
    persistentsoul Posts: 268 Member
    3 - Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner. Snacking just makes me more hungry.
    I split my calories evenly between the 3 meals but have not mastered regular timings yet. Because of illness I often do not manage to get up until afternoon so there can be quite small gaps between my 3 meals. It is not unusual with me for it to be Breakfast 1pm, Lunch 4pm, Dinner 8pm. I Sleep sometime after midnight usually. I eat around 500-600 calories at each meal.
  • doreent1952
    doreent1952 Posts: 7 Member
    I eat three meals with an allowance of 45 carbs and 3 snacks, mid afternoon, evening snack and an additional snack of almonds that I munch on throughout the day. For my snacks I limit to 15 carbs.
    I do this because I find that I never get too hungry for any one meal. I try to eat as close to1300 calories that I can.
  • Infamous624
    Infamous624 Posts: 35 Member
    Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner. I try to eat a good healthy breakfast, a light lunch (salad, protein shake. or tomato sandwich), and make a good dinner but I try to eat before 7pm. I do a lot of bored eating, but I have been trying to make my bored eating healthy. This just seems to work for me.
  • itsbasschick
    itsbasschick Posts: 1,584 Member
    i eat 5 to 6 small meals per day. i used to bodybuild, and that's how i had the best workouts and recovery. more recently i developed type 2 diabetes, and i discovered that this is the size of meals that increase my blood sugar the least, and about 2.5 hours is when my blood sugar drops back down.
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    All of them. Some say several small some say other wise - go with what works for you when in doubt.
  • NinjaJinja
    NinjaJinja Posts: 147 Member
    I eat 2 meals a day, skipping breakfast. Never been a fan, finally decided to just cut it out altogether. On workdays I also have two "snacks" (read: coffee breaks). I eat a small lunch so that I have plenty of calories left for a nice big dinner.

    Coffee - 8:30 am
    Small lunch - 11 am
    Coffee - 3:30 pm
    Big Dinner - 6-7 pm

    Work for me. Eating more frequently makes me hungry constantly, and there's not a whole lot of things that I am willing to eat, in portion sizes that are acceptable to me, for under 500 calories, which having 3 meals a day necessitates. And that also makes me unhappy and more likely to binge.