Serious Trampoline Question needs answer



  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    I thought this thread was going to go in a whole different direction...

    Sorry next time k?

    Haha. I was referring to a legendary thread a few months back where it was suggested that jumping on a trampoline can cause massive weight loss in just a few minutes. It was epic.
    Oh trampolines and just the topic of trampolines are soo much fun lol.
  • SKME2013
    SKME2013 Posts: 704 Member
    As someone who spent many years working in A&E departments and Operating theatres. I've seen way too many nasty trampoline related injuries and personally wouldn't go near one or let my Children near one. So be careful

    My brother got one for his kids and two of them got seriously injured, at different times. One broke her ankle ligaments, the other ended up in hospital as he flew through the closed (!) zipper onto the concrete and for a day they were not sure whether he broke his spine.
    Another friend of mine, same story.
    Be careful!