Time for a change


So a couple of days ago I weighed myself for the first time in a very long time and it really hit me how much things really need to change. If someone's on the heavy side and happy with how they look I'll defend them to the death, but I've come to realise that I'm definitely not happy with how I look so it's time to do something about it. I'm 5ft 7 and my goal is to lose about 40 pounds to bring my BMI down to the healthy region. I haven't tried websites, apps or anything really that has the potential to keep me motivated.

My absolute worst enemy is crisps so I'm thinking of maybe rewarding myself with a packet at the end of a successful week? Any tips on rewarding yourself and dealing with cravings would be welcome!

I'd really appreciate a few friends to help with encouragement along the way so please add me if you like :)


  • MsSashaFire
    Hey there Marlow and congratulations on taking the first step to a healthy new you! I have had lots of success with MFP in the past and decided to come back for a little more structure in my eating and workouts. Nothing wrong with rewarding yourself. Everything in moderation is my motto. The key is not to deprive yourself this isn't a punishment this is a lifestyle change. I like sweet treats myself, but on days I have them I just make sure I've worked out and they fit into my nutritional goals for the day. Good Luck to you on your quest to a healthy life, feel free to add me!