How do you control your hunger?



  • Oi_Sunshine
    Oi_Sunshine Posts: 819 Member
    Try a handful of nuts, peanut butter on celery, etc. Healthy fats and they are delicious. If you can't do peanut butter, try another nut or seed butter. Cashew, almond, sesame or sunflower seed butters are good. Check the labels so you can avoid added sugar.
  • donnylou
    donnylou Posts: 46 Member
    Type ll diabetes here and I've learned from my own experience that three things helped a lot with hunger pains:
    1. Make sure you have a bit of protein with every meal.
    2. Eat breakfast!!! Makes a world of difference in how hungry you get by lunch time.
    3. Drink lots and lots of water ( I add fruit or veggies slices or crystal light since I am NOT a big water drinker normally. Used to be a Diet Coke FA-NA-TIC)

    I've noticed in the last 3 (almost 4 weeks) that just those 3 things have helped me snack less and I don't just grab anything cause I'm starving.
    One last thing that has really helped me this time around, I try to plan my meals out the night before. I don't have to think so hard then when I AM hungry....I already have it packed or ready to make.
    Good Luck!!
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    I'm Type 2 diabetic. Low carb dieter. I just eat meat at the 3 main meals and snack on nuts or cheese between them. I eat @ 8am, 10am, 12pm, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm. Eating consistently at roughly the same time everyday also helps to regulate blood glucose.

    I also eat alot of vegetables and drink at least a gallon of water a day.
  • BekaBooluvsu
    BekaBooluvsu Posts: 470 Member
    slices of cucumber aren't going to fill you up...proteins and fat are satiating.

    They are, but you have to watch out that you don't consume too much, so things like cucumbers are great additions.

    Nah, you must be new here.

    Nothing takes away the old hunger pangs like a teaspoon of Ben & Jerry's!

    Totally wrong about icecream. If you eat teaspoon of Ben & Jerry's for snacks, you are likely to spike your blood glucose and then feel a drop shortly after, making you want more. Not to say it isn't okay to have it every so often for a treat, just not a staple to control hunger.
  • nosebag1212
    nosebag1212 Posts: 621 Member
    intermittent fasting
    diet soda
    low cal veggies
    more protein
    more dietary fat
    psyllium husks