how am I doing?

I just started working out after being sedentary for over a year. One thing I like to do is power walk / hike. My only issue is, no matter how well I pace myself, I can only really do it for about 4500 steps/ 2.6 miles. Yes it is lots of hills and gravel/sand but 2.6 seems like so little. I usually do take a 10 minute water break in the middle and I ALWAYS feel pretty worked out after. My core, my legs etc are all tired afterward. I dont do any other exercises that day and have found sometimes Im sore the next day and need to take that day off too.

My question is, what is your opinion on 2.6 miles? I can do almost double that amount on a treadmill but for some reason on a hike Im dead . what gives?


  • Julieboolieaz
    Julieboolieaz Posts: 658 Member
    Outside is a lot different than the treadmill...keep at it. You'll build up to more and more. Great job getting started!, :)