Fresh start. How to stay motivated?

Greetings :) I'm Olivia and I've been struggling with weight pretty much all of my life. I've never actually started getting serious about losing weight until I turned 18. Now that I'm turning 21 soon in September and will be transferring to university next year I'm absolutely ready to get back in the game.

I always seem to lose motivation, though. I would love to have some people in the same boat as I. What do you guys do to stay motivated. Once you hit your 1st goal weight what keeps you going?


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    Being around for my wife and family keeps me motivated Add me...I'll cheer you on in your journey.
  • thriller001
    thriller001 Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Olivia!

    I've been at this for a year now and there are a few things that keep me motivated. One, I weigh myself on the same day early in the morning once a week. It really helps me to stay focused on my goal. Two, I have a Pinterest board all about health that helps keep me on track and motivated to make the time to get to the gym. And three, buying new clothes! There's no better feeling than being able to wear whatever you want and not be restricted to the plus section or whatever. I have 8 more lbs to go and so far I've lost 19 total. Good Luck to you on your weight loss journey!
  • Icandoityayme
    Icandoityayme Posts: 312 Member
    For me it's a matter of being honest with myself and not making excuses. I get up, and whether I feel like it or not, I get off my rump and do something. I remind myself by looking at pics that I have of myself and think, this is not the real me. Sometimes there is nobody around but you and the only motivation you get is from yourself. Be your own drill sergeant.
  • ILuvIt78
    Motivation is a personal issue and everyone is going to have different answers. My motivation used to be "I want to be skinny", now my motivation is I feel good. I'm proud of myself when I workout and eat right, that helps motivate me.

    I realized that this is a daily life choice. It's not about a short period of time, but the long haul. I look better and feel better than I ever have. When I make poor food choices it does have an impact on my mood because I try to hold myself accountable.

    I can only suggest you have to really get to the root of your "want" and build on it.
  • Shesreadytoshrink
    Shesreadytoshrink Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Nicole, I'm 22 years old and I live in sunny California. I am currently a 3rd year college student studying Economics at a Cal State University here. I have always been chubby but I've never considered myself overweight, until recently. A little over a year ago I made the decision to become vegetarian because of my love and respect for animals and that is when I started rapidly gaining weight. Cheese, bread and frozen food quickly became my new friend after my decision to become vegetarian. I am currently about 65lbs overweight and I feel horrible about my body. Along with the weight gain I have also gain some undesirable feelings such as insecurity, jealousy of others, and an outright negative attitude. Throughout the years, I have tried many diet plans and exercise routines that never seemed to stick. I realize now that's because I never talked about my plans to lose weight due to embarrassment or fear of people knowing that I was overweight...or fear of admitting it rather. So, here I am on myfitinesspal, hoping to connect with some people that are going through some of the same things and most importantly, looking for support while I work towards my goals. :-)
  • LivyMarie93
    LivyMarie93 Posts: 134 Member
    Thank you and you and your wife look awesome!
  • LivyMarie93
    LivyMarie93 Posts: 134 Member
    Thanks guys. I'm glad I have more supporters. Seems like none of my friends want to go on this journey with me lol.