Feeling absolutely gutted...

Went to the gym today, and had a pretty decent workout. Also haven't eaten a lot and that feels good too. It's nice feeling like I am back on track, and I am, for the most part, in a good mood. At least, I was until I weighed myself at the gym. Their scale was broken, and it said I weighed ten pounds less than what I really did.
Just seeing the number, I got a little bit excited, even though I knew it was broken (I confirmed with them it was reading ten pounds less) and then felt sad and completely...devastated. I've been trying to workout and eat right and it feels like nothing is working. I wanted that number on the scale to be right SO SO SO badly, and it was more like a cosmic joke. I know I should be working towards that number, and I am, but it's a huge slap in the face to feel that feeling of excitement for one moment then realize it's just a stupid mistake.

Sorry, just needed to rant I guess.


  • Don't feel that way. Two weeks ago I had a weigh in and measurement check. I was excited at first and then utterly disappointed. I didn't lose any weight, and the inches I lost and the inches I gained even out, but I did lose 2% body fat. Which basically means I lost 4 lbs of fat and gained 4 lbs of muscle.

    I too, want the scale to show a specific number, but the reality is the number doesn't really matter. Many factors like body fat, muscle tone, body composition, EVERYTHING need to be taken into consideration.

    Don't beat yourself up over a number. Keep going, make good food choices and workout hard. You'll get there!!!
  • thatsillyshana23
    thatsillyshana23 Posts: 106 Member
    I hear ya! But think of all of the greatness that number doesn't show! You have been working hard and even if the scale doesn't show it, you should be proud!

    Way to go!!! Sending positive vibes <3
  • ravenribbs
    ravenribbs Posts: 289 Member
    Oh, honey, don't fret quite so much! I completely relate to your frustration. Remember that there is variation in scales and significant variation in day-to-day, hour-to-hour weight numbers. Remember that this is a marathon, not a sprint. Flucuations happen. Go with them. You'll be finer than you think. All best to you.
  • FitOldMomma
    FitOldMomma Posts: 790 Member
    Don't be too sad...you are at the gym and eating right and that's a great thing! :)

    Several weeks ago I had a dream that I was standing on my home scale and it said 236 and I was sooo happy! (That was about 23 pound lighter than I actually was at the time) When I woke up I was so sad that it was just dream. But the happy thing was that when I did weigh myself I had lost another 1.5 pounds.

    You'll get there...keep on going.