i need help. Im always so hungry. literally after i eat a good healthy meal, I'm starving 30mins or less later. I do lift weights mostly 3x a week. sometimes 5 if i have extra days to play off of. I normally do 10-20 mins of cardio before i start lifting. i eat healthy. but I'm always hungry and i can't seem to get rid of the hunger pangs... what gives???


  • tiptoethruthetulips
    tiptoethruthetulips Posts: 3,369 Member
    You may wish to give a little information about yourself.

    Your daily allowance? Eating some or all of your exercise calories? What foods you are actually eating (open up your food diary perhaps so people can better tailor advice to you)?
  • Welcome to the club!!!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    You may wish to give a little information about yourself.

    Your daily allowance? Eating some or all of your exercise calories? What foods you are actually eating (open up your food diary perhaps so people can better tailor advice to you)?

    This... more info would help.....
  • onefortyone
    onefortyone Posts: 531 Member
    I have had the same thing, but it was PURELY emotional. I learned to recognise it. Weighing food helps, because I know if I just ate a pound of food, it isn't my body that is hungry, it's my silly brain/emotions. I also learned that eating more at dinnertime does help. If I eat 4oz of meat, a USDA-assigned "serving" of potatoes and a serving of veggies, I'm gonna be starving and end up snacking on the WORST things. However, if I have what I call a 'decent' sized serving of everything, and plan a snack between supper and bedtime, I am much less likely to be lying around groaning with hunger pains. I make room in my calorie budget by having a very light breakfast (and lots of coffee), and exercising hard! HTH. :)
  • amynicole2008
    amynicole2008 Posts: 7 Member
    my daily allowance is 1200 cal. when i work out i normally burn anywhere from 600-1000 calories. so most of the time i never eat my full calorie allotment. foods i eat are brown rice, difference protein sources, veggies. i don't eat a whole lot of fiber, nor do i drink a lot a water like i should. although i don't drink cokes or anything.

    & i just opened my diary for you guys.
  • cmeiron
    cmeiron Posts: 1,599 Member
    my daily allowance is 1200 cal. when i work out i normally burn anywhere from 600-1000 calories. so most of the time i never eat my full calorie allotment. foods i eat are brown rice, difference protein sources, veggies. i don't eat a whole lot of fiber, nor do i drink a lot a water like i should. although i don't drink cokes or anything.

    & i just opened my diary for you guys.

    Um, so, maybe this is why you're hungry? :huh:
  • christinalong1991
    christinalong1991 Posts: 74 Member
    When you are slightly dehydrated, your body can confuse signals and you'll feel hungry. If your working out that much and not getting enough, this is very likely!! You should be drinking at LEAST 8 cups, more if your working out!! You could just be thirst. But also get your fiber!! Fruits, veggies, and brown rice can have quite a bit of fiber so it seems like maybe your getting enough? But maybe not. You look fairly thin to have only a 1200 net calorie goal though so that seems a little too low, even if your eating back some exercise calories. Maybe you should try upping your calorie goal, and eat back more of your exercise calories back on days you workout!
  • Fit_Housewife
    Fit_Housewife Posts: 168 Member
    Hungry = your body burning fat lol probably not for real but that's what I tell myself.

    My 2 yr old now tells me he's hangry haha no idea where he could've got that from
  • marissanik
    marissanik Posts: 344 Member
    First of all, I wouldn't suggest a net of 1200 calories to begin with. You should do some research on BMR and TDEE and calculate your numbers. Secondly, you're exercising and not eating those calories back. No wonder you're hungry.

    Ex. I'm normally eating around 2100 calories a day and then netting 1600 after exercise.

    Edit: I checked a few days back on your diary. You definitely haven't been even eating 1200 calories in a day and working out. Yes, it makes sense that you're hungry. Eat eat eat!
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    my daily allowance is 1200 cal. when i work out i normally burn anywhere from 600-1000 calories.

    Your numbers are broken. The human body cannot maintain 1000 calories of workout burn on a 1200 calorie diet for more than a couple of days.

    Step 1 - fix your numbers.
  • SherryTeach
    SherryTeach Posts: 2,836 Member
    If your diary is complete, no wonder you are hungry. I'd be starving.
  • cheripugh1
    cheripugh1 Posts: 357 Member
    If your picture is current and your food diary is true... the answer is simple ----you do not eat enough... you are way too close to goal to eat so little, your body is telling you if you really want to be healthy feed it! Under eating can hurt you as much and often more than over eating...
  • _monicagarner
    _monicagarner Posts: 20 Member
    I am the same way! What i do to help is i drink 17 oz of water before eating then 17 oz of water after eating, I can get full off of scrambled eggs and some grapes this way, there if i don't drink water and eat scrambled eggs and grapes I WANT TO DEVOUR EVERYTHING afterwards. It's kind of a lot of work but it works for me. It also keeps you hydrated :) I don't get super hungry and crave for around 3-4 hours :)
  • smarieallen85
    smarieallen85 Posts: 535 Member
    I am so tired of hearing people say "you shouldn't only be eating 1200 calories". We are all different and it is okay for some people, though I think you have to be smart. And speaking of smart- you gotta eat back those calories your burning girl. You crazy?

    I just upped mine to 1400 cause I'm over 1200. But it was a great experiment.
  • FitFroglet
    FitFroglet Posts: 219 Member
    Since the beginning of this month you've under-eaten by between 380 and 1600 calories every single day.
    You're hungry because you're under-nourished.100 calories in a day will never get you the nutrients your body needs in order to thrive. The hunger pains are your body crying out for more food.

    MFP's target calorie intake already includes the deficit you need in order to lose weight.
  • Graelwyn75
    Graelwyn75 Posts: 4,404 Member
    Eat more. Quite a simple solution.
    You do not need to be eating so little with so little to lose, and believe me, you will regret it at a future time when you find you gain weight eating a normal amount. The body does adapt to what you eat, which is why so many here suggest that you eat as much as you can while still losing weight, rather than as little as possible.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    i need help. Im always so hungry. literally after i eat a good healthy meal, I'm starving 30mins or less later. I do lift weights mostly 3x a week. sometimes 5 if i have extra days to play off of. I normally do 10-20 mins of cardio before i start lifting. i eat healthy. but I'm always hungry and i can't seem to get rid of the hunger pangs... what gives???

    I looked at what you ate yesterday ... 3 yogurts and not much else. And honestly .. a 5 year old could tell you what the problem is here.

    You need to really eat something ... I eat about as much for breakfast every day as you do the whole day.

    I think you will find that your "HUNGRY!!" problem will go away on its own. You are really not doing yourself any favors eating so little and I think that you will not get many people here that will disagree.

    Good luck .. but the solution to your problem is very simple.
  • AmyG1982
    AmyG1982 Posts: 1,040 Member
    Drink water
    Eat lots of fibre
    Eat lots of protein
    Eat healthy fats with every meal
    Drink water.
  • dcristo213
    dcristo213 Posts: 117 Member
    I was always hungry when I was on diets like Weight Watchers because I still ate too many carbs and not enough protein. I cut my carbs and increase protein and fat that I eat, now I am rarely hungry. I am not saying you have to do low carb, but if you increase your protein and healthy fats you will decrease your hunger pangs.
  • AllieLosingIt
    AllieLosingIt Posts: 150 Member
    25 out of the past 30 days you ate under 1000 calories a day and you seriously wonder why you're hungry? My 4-year old eats more than that.