Decisions, Decisions....

So, I've dropped a stone already (only thanks to this amazing site!) and I have another 2 to go... then a holiday (first in 10 years abroad) to Egypt, then when we get back I have a big dilemma to face....another baby (my husbands wishes mainly, although I love the thought) or a tummy tuck (my doctor said once I get my BMI down I will qualify for one, free on our NHS system as I have had 3 C-Sections and I have a 'mothers apron' I think they call it!
I know this is something that seems irrelevant to most of you but my hubby really wants another baby, I suppose I do too but I am scared if I lose 3 stone I will just pile it all back on with pregnancy. Which is what has happened with all my previous pregnancies, BUT I never had this site or counted calories, and believe me I ate for 2 and more! LOL
Just felt like writing this down and getting it off my chest :)
Thanks for listening :)


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,023 Member
    CONGRATS on your weight loss so far. If you continue to watch what you eat and do light exercise while you are pregnant you should be fine. Continue to use this site during your pregnancy the support and using the food diary will help keep you from eating for 2.. I think you are suppose to add 500 cals for pregnancy or breastfeeding. ( growing a baby does not need an extra 2500 cal LOL ) good luck on whatever you decide
  • weaklink109
    weaklink109 Posts: 2,831 Member
    I never had any children, so I am hardly qualified to advise you, but here is something to consider. While you did gain with your previous pregnancies, and will to a certain degree with another one, you have an important tool available that you didn't have before. You found MFP, and you know more about yourself and healthy eating than you did before.

    If you have another child, you will be able to work toward losing any pregnancy weight, and you will have the shared joy of another baby with your spouse, and the satisfaction of knowing you maintained control of your health and weight before and after the birth.

    On the other hand, if you don't have another child because you fear gaining weight, you could end up feeling like you missed out on something, potentially, your decision could be a source of stress between you and your spouse, and after all that, you might end up eating for emotional reasons and who knows where that might lead...

    I am not telling you to go one way or the other, just posing some ideas to contemplate that might help you make the right decision for you. Good luck.