Play Spoiler in your Office

cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I can't stop counting the calories in all the food is coming into the office. I guess it would be okay if I just counted them and kept it to myself but I BROADCAST the calorie totals for everything that comes in.

First thing this morning there were 2 dozen doughnuts for the staff meeting. Then we were given a 5 minute chocolate cake mug. ( you basically make a small cake in a coffee mug in the microwave.) Then a tin of chocolate covered peanuts. Oh yeah and jars of homemade jellies. Everybody is exchanging recipes and deciding at which restaurant the Holiday dinner will take place. The only GOOD FOR YOU food that has come in is a box of navel oranges. I am proud to say that I have steered clear of everything mentioned but I did have 2 oranges.( Yeah Me)

So i'm walking around with my MFP app telling everybody how many calories is in every bite of food they pick up. They're rolling their eyes, plugging their ears and telling me Coby it's Christmas!!

Okay, everybody knows that this is the time of year when people experience most of their weight gain for the year. Right?

I'm just trying NOT to undo all of my hard work and Save you the guilt and grief after January 1st.

I must admit I do find SOME JOY in aggravating them by making them aware of what they're eating.

So, does that make me the Spoiler of all the fun? I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T THINK SO. It will help them in the long run and I've worked too hard to get where I am and I AIN'T gonna let this holiday take it away!


  • jillybeanruns
    jillybeanruns Posts: 1,420 Member
    I just tell people that I have to watch what I eat because it affects my long runs and keep it at that.

    Honestly, it is a bit rude of you. They are adults and old enough to watch what they eat on their own. If they want to know what's in everything and how bad it is for them, they can look it up themselves.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    It's obviously fine what you decide to eat, and if anyone comments on your eating habits, you can just say you are trying to eat healthier/watch your weight, whatever. But it isn't appropriate to be looking up what OTHERS are eating and telling them if they didn't ASK you to do so. People aren't dumb, and if they care they can look these things up. It is definitely not nice to do that to other people - I feel like the only time I'd make an exception to that is if someone ASKED you for help, (but it doesn't seem like anyone at your office will if you are aggravating them) :-/

    However, the "Does that make me the spoiler of the fun. I DON'T CARE AND I DON'T THINK SO" gives me mixed feelings.. cause I'm not sure why you are posting asking about it then?

    Congrats on your own constraint and healthy eating, that's great, but don't put it on others! It also doesn't hurt to treat yourself a little bit during the holidays, it's not practical to never have something sweet!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I don't say much to my coworkers about all the treats that come through. It gets worse at this time of the year. I just do my thing and that's it. My coworkers have taken notice, but I don't bother them about what they eat.
  • bluiz13
    bluiz13 Posts: 3,550 Member
    i think it is fun and important to share what things "cost"...many many many people have absolutely no idea how many calories are in the things they shove in their if you tell someone the calories and they chose to still eat it, that is their business and there should be no judgment or continued harassing so to speak....

    good for you - i do it sometimes too.....
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    You know the people you work with better than us so if it came off as playful and not rude, go for it.

    Congrats on avoiding the temptations!

    My solution (and actually year-round it is) is to keep Rubbermaid in my desk. Therefore when some individuals don't accept NO when they come by bearing treats I take it and will bring it home either for the hubby or after a collection of treats builds up, I will be able to choose my favourite rather than eating the first one that came by.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    Whoa, I think this is the first time that I've ever been called RUDE.

    I love it! Thanks for the input.
  • cobygrey
    cobygrey Posts: 270 Member
    You know the people you work with better than us so if it came off as playful and not rude, go for it.

    Congrats on avoiding the temptations!

    My solution (and actually year-round it is) is to keep Rubbermaid in my desk. Therefore when some individuals don't accept NO when they come by bearing treats I take it and will bring it home either for the hubby or after a collection of treats builds up, I will be able to choose my favourite rather than eating the first one that came by.

    This is a great idea.
  • Kath712
    Kath712 Posts: 1,263 Member
    You know the people you work with better than us so if it came off as playful and not rude, go for it.

    Congrats on avoiding the temptations!

    My solution (and actually year-round it is) is to keep Rubbermaid in my desk. Therefore when some individuals don't accept NO when they come by bearing treats I take it and will bring it home either for the hubby or after a collection of treats builds up, I will be able to choose my favourite rather than eating the first one that came by.


    And thank, Heather, for a great idea bout the Rubbermaid!
  • kmtetour
    kmtetour Posts: 300 Member
    Whoa, I think this is the first time that I've ever been called RUDE.

    I love it! Thanks for the input.

    I have to admit, I laughed when you said this. :-D

    People bring a lot of junk into my office at this time of year as well. I have two close co-workers, but about 50 other people that use the copier next to my desk, so it's a hoppin' place. One of my co-workers will come over and say "I know you probably don't want one, but there are leftover donuts." I say "no" and she leaves it at that. Then an hour or so later, my other co-worker will say, "I ate one of those donuts, I probably shouldn't have but it was SO good. I'll just work out tonight." (which she doesn't). Same co-worker brought me an advent calendar. Luckily, the chocolate is gross, so I throw it out (but I open each day to make her happy; she doesn't know I throw it out).

    I actually find it kind of funny to watch the other people come into my office and stand over the food like vultures.
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