Been on MFP 45 Days

I've been logging faithfully for 45 days and have lost 13 lbs. I've been so motivated! This is the first time I've found something that works for me. Well until my weigh in this week. I went up 2 lbs and now am concerned I won't be as motivated this coming week. Anyone support would be great!


  • bionic_woman
    bionic_woman Posts: 28 Member
    Hey you started 2 days before me! That's a great start, 13lbs!

    Stick with it, 2 lbs isn't a huge amount in the scheme of things. Think of where we'll be in a year from now, if we remain consistent :)
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    Weight bounces around... I just had a month and a half struggle with putting on/losing the same dang 4 pounds. It can get very discouraging but that is when you really have to push through and battle. You will win... I just stepped on the scale this am and BAM!! Finally going back down!!

    It took time to put on weight so it'l take time to take it off as well. Just know that you are working towards a LIFETIME of health and fitness and that changes won't happen overnight... but they will happen!

    Best of luck!!
  • awesomejdad
    awesomejdad Posts: 493 Member
  • Markdjones83
    Markdjones83 Posts: 852 Member
    Yeah I don't have a lot to lose so for me even eating at a deficit not much goes down, but i'm trying to get more muscle tone and lean. I go up and down 1-2 lbs daily, but I just remind myself it fluctuates between that because of many factors water, what time you weighed yourself etc.

    Also, if you aren't doing any kind of fitness I suggest trying some of that, it helps keep me motivated and feeling better. I'm only doing 25 min a day with the t25 so I can make time for it.