So, there's this fork...

In the road at the end of Complacency Lane. I seem to have pitched a tent there over the last couple months. On the one side is "I Am Awesome" Court coming to the corner of Happy and Healthy (thank you Walgreens). On the other side is "I don't care anymore" Avenue coming to the corner of "Oh crap, what have I done?" Blvd and "Great, it was all a waste" Street. I have lost almost 50 pounds this last year. I am 20 pounds away from my goal. I am lighter than ever and stronger than ever. I am down 2 (almost 3 but it's tight) dress sizes and I am happier than ever. Hence the tent is pitched and I'm at a crossroads. Now, when I used to haunt the forums I would always spew the greatness of willpower. I'm not a hypocrite, however, I seem to have lost mine. I KNOW I need to control my eating. I KNOW I can do this. I KNOW it'll be a slow process from here with so little to lose, but when it comes to meals, my hand to mouth coordination tends to make me forget everything I KNOW. I've been putting everything on a scale long enough to be able to fairly accurately guess how many calories are in my meals when I don't have a scale or anything to measure it. If I have to guess, I guess on the high side so I know that's not why I go over. I know why I go over. My mind says "go ahead and have that cookie. It's only 100 calories. You won't be over THAT much and you'll still be below maintenance." Unfortunately, that happens a few times a day. It'll get better when I go back to work. I KNOW that. I have stalled, I'm stuck and I know it's my own fault. No, I have not plateau'd; there's no such thing. I need to get past the fork of complacency and take the road that leads to Happy and Healthy. I need some ideas and advise of how you guys got through the fork and took the road more should travel.


  • htrombleyl
    htrombleyl Posts: 63 Member
    I too have stood at that fork many times. While I have just started logging in my food over the last month I have spent countless days kidding myself and just as many being misrable because I wasn't doing anything to change it. I know that what has helped me is friends. I am competitive in nature and now it is not just me that knows how much I ate everyone else does as well. That is a huge motivator. Feel free to send me a friend request and we can motivate each other.