Ice coffee lovers :-)



  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    Venti vanilla iced coffee breve (half and half)... but I order that regardless of where I go for coffee..
  • seltzermint555
    seltzermint555 Posts: 10,741 Member
    Usually just coffee and ice -- homemade, Starbuck's, or McD's -- which makes a really good iced coffee, but it usually takes them two tries to understand that "no flavor, no syrup, no sweetener" means "no flavor, no syrup, no sweetener." I can't stand sugar in my coffee, hot or iced. Tastes vile to me. I think I'd rather have salt. If the coffee is weak or way too strong or over-roasted (burned), I'll add cream, milk, or a plain (unsweetened) nondairy "milk" (e.g., soy milk, almond milk.).

    This is me too.

    I think it's funny -- when I order iced black coffee ANYWHERE, they go through a series of 10 questions..."You sure you don't want X, Y, Z..." I swear once the girl offered to give me pumps of all these different flavors like she couldn't bear for me to have black coffee.
  • julielh72
    julielh72 Posts: 92 Member
    I love iced coffee and I have found a brilliant alternative.

    200ml Cold Water
    Handful of ice
    1 scoop of My Protein Impact Whey Latte flavour.

    Whizz it in the blender.

    I also make it with unsweetened almond milk if I want it a bit creamier.

    It tastes gorgeous :)
  • dzstephy
    dzstephy Posts: 357 Member
    Sbux iced Americano with an extra shot of espresso. Sometimes 1 pump of vanilla. I don't have much luck with DD coffee. Can you also ask for one pump of sweetener?
  • meridianova
    meridianova Posts: 438 Member
    Usually just coffee and ice -- homemade, Starbuck's, or McD's -- which makes a really good iced coffee, but it usually takes them two tries to understand that "no flavor, no syrup, no sweetener" means "no flavor, no syrup, no sweetener." I can't stand sugar in my coffee, hot or iced. Tastes vile to me. I think I'd rather have salt. If the coffee is weak or way too strong or over-roasted (burned), I'll add cream, milk, or a plain (unsweetened) nondairy "milk" (e.g., soy milk, almond milk.).
    gah... me either. sweetener of any kind is a travesty to coffee.

    i'm a dunkies girl and have my local shop well trained... large iced hazelnut, very little ice, 6 creams, no sugar. i walk in, they make my coffee, i pay, i leave. i no longer even have to talk to anyone in the process, which is especially nice because they all understand i'm not human until i've had my coffee.

    and woe to the person who argues with me about how much ice they're putting in. 2" of ice in a large cup is enough to keep it cold, dilute it just that little bit, without ending up with swampwater at the bottom of the cup.
  • sarainiowa
    sarainiowa Posts: 287 Member
    I'm an Iced Coffee drinker. I make mine at home usually. Tried some here and there out and about but still like my home mixture ;-)
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I make my own - strong coffee, vanilla or hazelnut syrup, splash of milk, loads of ice cubes and put it all in the blender.
  • jesshamlin89
    jesshamlin89 Posts: 2 Member
    Yes I love there Mocha iced lattes with Skim!!!! If yah don't already have it and you have a iphone get the app they have coupons for 0.99 iced coffees all the time! :)
  • Dadgerben
    Dadgerben Posts: 27 Member
    I brew a cup and pour it over ice in the morning. So good!
  • scthomas100
    scthomas100 Posts: 31 Member
    I make my own cold brew and add some vanilla almond milk to it.
  • stealthq
    stealthq Posts: 4,298 Member
    I like it with a bit of milk and Splenda.
    I like Starbucks Iced Caramel Macchiato and it can sub as dessert.
    I also like Nespresso Cafe's iced coffee this month: espresso, a little condensed milk, coconut syrup, frothed milk, grated coconut. Similar to a coconut version of Vietnamese iced coffee.
  • KitkatcuteNYC
    KitkatcuteNYC Posts: 150 Member
    I actually really dislike Starbucks just doesn't do it for me haha...I'd rather have my Dunkin Donuts ☕️????
  • LeenaJean
    LeenaJean Posts: 276 Member
    Cinnamon Dolce Iced Latte from Starbucks! <3 Omg
  • ecjim
    ecjim Posts: 1,001 Member
    Usually just coffee and ice -- homemade, Starbuck's, or McD's -- which makes a really good iced coffee, but it usually takes them two tries to understand that "no flavor, no syrup, no sweetener" means "no flavor, no syrup, no sweetener." I can't stand sugar in my coffee, hot or iced. Tastes vile to me. I think I'd rather have salt. If the coffee is weak or way too strong or over-roasted (burned), I'll add cream, milk, or a plain (unsweetened) nondairy "milk" (e.g., soy milk, almond milk.).

    This is me too.

    I think it's funny -- when I order iced black coffee ANYWHERE, they go through a series of 10 questions..."You sure you don't want X, Y, Z..." I swear once the girl offered to give me pumps of all these different flavors like she couldn't bear for me to have black coffee.

    I tell them the same thing - Then I say "nothing but coffee and ice in the cup" - I still get a milkshake looking drink 80% of the time - Eastcoast Jim
  • nicoleromine
    nicoleromine Posts: 92 Member
    I love unsweetened black iced coffee. I cold brew it at home. It really brings out the nuanced flavors of quality coffee. Good stuff.
  • Equus3nMom
    Equus3nMom Posts: 42 Member
    Oh my.... Iced Grande Decaf NonFat Mocha no whip from Starbucks.... I could take it by IV. But, alas it pushed me into pre-diabetes so its off the menu. Splenda is nasty tasting stuff so..... the "skinny" version that isn't even sugar free is a no go. Splenda still screws up insulin too. Still haven't found a work around for my mocha craving. :-(
  • liftingandlipstick
    liftingandlipstick Posts: 1,857 Member
    Any way I can get it! Skinny caramel or hazelnut latte at Starbucks. There's not a Dunkin Donuts near me, so I don't have a regular :(

    I've been in the habit of a Monster Java as a morning pick me up for a few years, but I could no longer justify the price ($-2.50, cals-230), so I've started making my own at home. I freeze coffee in ice cube trays, then brew a small pot of coffee. Right now I'm using Dunkin Dark roast. Chuck a whole tray of coffee cubes into my blender bottle, pour hot cofffee over the top, then top off with sugar/fat free creamer- right now International Delight Caramel Marshmallow. Yumm-o, and I can switch up the grounds and creamer flavors whenever I want a change. Also, cost is WAY better- $<.50, cals 50.
  • SheilAnneSmith
    SheilAnneSmith Posts: 202 Member
    I do left over regularly brewed coffee, in a glass over ice with 5 drops of English Toffee Stevia and a splash unsweetened Vanilla Almond milk.
  • lolabluola
    lolabluola Posts: 212 Member
    I love cold brewing it at home!

    I just put coffee grounds in cold water in a pitcher with saran wrap cover.
    Let it sit for a day or two.
    Filter into a new pitcher with a mesh strainer.

    little cream and ice = yum
  • Whalers81
    Whalers81 Posts: 14 Member
    Most days I will have a Medium Iced Mocha/Caramel Swirl coffee with cream only from Dunkin Donuts. I refuse to give it up so it's gotta fit into my daily goals...