How To Lose Weight

Science said burn more calories then you consume. Weight will fall off.
No matter what workout you do
No matter what exercise program you are on
No matter what diet fad you may consider
No matter I heard This I heard That........

Science Is FDA Approved.

Do This AND YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. I lost 40 pounds. My next goal is to lose 50 more! I can do this because SCIENCE says. If I want to enjoy my life a little more then I will consume more calories but my dream weight will not happen because I decided to have that extra indulgence.

Honest to god truth that is the way people!


  • saldanaagency
    right on. you could eat twinkies and loose weight. as long as you keep the calories under control you can loose weight. i am counting my calories, eating healthier (no fast food) and exercising and i'm loosing weight and toning up.
  • randyv99
    randyv99 Posts: 257 Member
    Who is this Science? And where is his or her credentials? What school did he graduate from and when? I don't think I'm going to believe this Science person on your say so.. :-P
  • Bluediesel
    I know the Truth Hurts. I let the TRUTH HURT me for many years until I woke up and decided I wanted to change. There was a time I was not ready for this. I'm in that place now. I'm just happy. Trying to share the light.
  • Bluediesel
    • Having to always be asked, “What’s the secret?” by everyone you’ve ever come into contact with before you lost the weight.
    Short answer, there is no secret, eat less and exercise more. No one believes you though and you have to spend a lot of time convincing them that there is no secret diet out there.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    it is that simple :)
  • Bluediesel
    I understand your thoughts and feelings. If you look at my before picture I'm somewhat similar to your photos as well. It was not easy to accept what I was doing to myself. I'm just trying to be positive. I'm trying to let you all know there is no magic to this. There is no Dr. It's just simple. Eat less work out more weight will come off. ;)
  • SandraMay1982
    I can't WAIT until people ask me "what's your secret" HA. I will LAUGH at them :)

    Why. It's simple. Get off your fat lazy *kitten* and MOVE. A LOT. and. cut out **** like sugar that you don't NEED. and stay accountable.

    I have been steadily changing things before I came on here, and one girl on my facebook actually once asked me what I was doing. Like it was something magical.

    A unicorn came up to me one day and it sprinkled fairy dust on me. Then the leprechauns came and did a jig around me and I was magically losing weight :)

    I might use that as my reasoning. Maybe the sarcasm is slightly over toned?
  • Bluediesel
    hahhaha! LOVE IT!!!
  • bobdubya
    There was ACTUALLY a story on the TODAY show a few weeks ago about a Dr. who ate only twinkies and lost like 27 lbs in like 6 weeks.. But kept the calories within the limit. And all his blood work stayed normal. Conclusion,,, dropping the weight is the best medicine.... My only problem, if i start eating **** like twinkies i'll have 5000 cals by the end of the day cause i have to have a big glass of milk with each one. LOL
  • Bluediesel
    LOL!!! I know right.
  • Sheepdoglady
    You lot are so funny, you just crack me up!!! This comes under the classification we call here in the UK "Stating the bleeding obvious"!! lol! When pouring water into a glass, if you continue to pour after it is full, of course the excess water has to go somewhere so you are going to get a flood! Duh!
  • seemichellerun
    Oh, I so wish this was true for me. I'm always within (or slightly under) my calorie goal every day and I work out 5 days a week. I barely see any change on the scale. I do not cheat. EVER.
  • BoresEasily
    Who is this Science? And where is his or her credentials? What school did he graduate from and when? I don't think I'm going to believe this Science person on your say so.. :-P

    Randy, one thing to say. Your new picture is far better than the old one. In this one you seem less intimidating.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Science said burn more calories then you consume. Weight will fall off.
    No matter what workout you do
    No matter what exercise program you are on
    No matter what diet fad you may consider
    No matter I heard This I heard That........

    Science Is FDA Approved.

    Do This AND YOU WILL LOSE WEIGHT. I lost 40 pounds. My next goal is to lose 50 more! I can do this because SCIENCE says. If I want to enjoy my life a little more then I will consume more calories but my dream weight will not happen because I decided to have that extra indulgence.

    Honest to god truth that is the way people!

    You said it. Every website I visit says something different. This makes it simple. We eat from the four food groups not to keep us at a good weight but to get all the nutrients our bodies need. So living on Twinkies won't make you fat as long as you are burning more than you consume BUT it will do some damage to your body (arteries, heart, digestive system, etc.) eventually.

    UPDATE: Just read the article regarding the Twinkie prof. Very interesting.
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Then there is the whole plateau thing. Our bodies are nothing if not efficient about calorie usage. Science (you know, that guy everyone hates to hear from) shows that our bodies, especially women's bodies, will try anything to lower calorie use and pack on the extra weight in preparation for the next famine. The problem is, we (those of us on this site) don't experience famines very often, so we just experience plateaus and weight gain, even when we keep calories steady and expenditures high. For most, changing your work-out helps jump-start new losses, for a few it may mean you are at the weight your body thinks is right, and short of a (unhealthy) depravation diet or greatly increased expenditures, this is it. If you are healthy, this weight may be fine. I have certainly seen some people with unrealistic, even dangerous, goals, but if you really do need to lose more, do try changing the work-outs. Think of it as a chance to try something you've been wondering about, a new class, a new DVD, whatever.

    And the secret to our success: working through the hard spots while keeping calories in less than calories out.
  • SandraMay1982
    Well. I am saddened. we don't get twinkies in Australia. I think thought we have some replacements. haha.

    Maybe the dancing leprechauns will send me some in the mail?

  • kpepper07
    Yep it is all a science not a diet. You have to watch what you eat when you eat it and when to exercise. Pretty simple. However you can not live on fish and water alone. So on pizza and beer days exercise hard before you eat and drink. Then back to fish and water hehe! Even though I sound like I know what I am talking about I am still 30 pounds over weight.....because I DO NOT stick to it. Although I did last summer and then got lazy!! Lazy is not part of the science!! Now get off the couch!!
  • Caperfae
    Caperfae Posts: 433
    It isn't Rocket Science.
    Common sense prevails .. no magic pills or quick fixes (to the dismay of many I'm sure).
