30 lbs gone, 30 to go. My story...

djsiry Posts: 12 Member
Hi all! Im a 42 yo male. Family man with a great 7 yo daughter and very healthy and fit wife.

Here's my story in a nutshell - connect if you are of like mind or just for the hell of it.

I've always been somewhat overweight throughout my life. Maybe once or twice I've gotten close to what I would call fit (around 200 pounds on my 6 ft frame) But that was a long time ago...

One thing that makes things difficult for me is I am a stress eater and a stress drinker. As anyone who drinks often knows, when you've had a few drinks the food inhibition goes out the window.

Overall, life has been great, but deep inside (maybe not so deep?) I feel disappointed in myself for letting myself be out of shape for so much of my life. I decided recently that it's high time to apply the discipline that I have in other aspects of my life to my own body.

One of the triggers for my commitment to weight loss has been a recent knee surgery. I lost some weight going into the surgery because added weight is not nice to knees. In recovery of the surgery, I had a lack of appetite and had to plan my meals very carefully to get the necessary nutrition. I also stopped drinking any alcohol. Next thing you know I had lost 10 pounds and thought maybe I ought to keep this going!

I've been using MFP on this journey, and one thing I think might enhance the experience is to connect with like minded folks, so I decided to post my story here.

Feel free to connect with me and I will reciprocate!


  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    hello! ive lost almost 40 lbs and have 40 to go. also, my disappointment in my own self for being overweight my whole life stopped me from trying to be healthy and active instead of just "skinny". finally developing a healthy relationship with food and using other coping skills to deal with stress other than killing myself slowly with food! no more! :)
  • AdventureVix
    AdventureVix Posts: 46 Member
    Great attitude and great results so far! Keep up the good work. I have 20lbs to go out of 30lbs recovering from a back injury, feel free to add me :)
  • 808Kine
    808Kine Posts: 60 Member
    Feel free to add me as well....I'm just getting back on the wagon and will be giving up my evening beer after work. My goals are to not only lose weight, but pack on muscle. Best wishes to you!