LOW GI - HELP Please

I've asked myfitnesspal to include Low GI ratings for those of us who are watching this aspect of our diet. They replied they are working on a diabetic version which is brilliant, but i am not diabetic - just want to watch the Low Gi counts of foods. Has anyone worked out how to do this??????????????????????? Would really appreciate some help


  • SandraMay1982

    google is your friend :)
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    Also this site: http://www.glycemicindex.com/

    It's the official GI website and has a searchable food database.

    I try to include as many low GI foods in my diet as I can.
  • aussiemama
    aussiemama Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you!
    I have googled the sites, and have a Low Gi cook book and shopping guide which helps. I live in Japan, so wholemeal, and grain oriented foods are hard to find :(
    Just thought if myfitnespal could include the Low GI measurement in our daily intake that would help a lot :)