Macros at 1200 calories- not meeting goals HELP

Hi all,

I'm new to new tracking macros (40/40/20). I little history, I'm around 113-115 pounds, 5'0 tall and 28 years old with a small
Frame. I have a desk job where I am sedentary most of the day. I'm looking to lose body fat and build muscle tone.
I've been exercising from home for the past 2+ years and not making too much progress. I've gotten to down to 106 lbs in the past in unhealthy way (calorie restrictions). I've gained most of the weight back but have built some muscle....I'm just unable to lose the fat.
I'm aiming to join a local gym and build muscle tone , but I'd like to get my diet on the right track first.

I am currently struggling to meet the carb/protein goal (120 gm) and can easily over exceed my fat goal (26 gm) for the day. (HELP!)

For instance- today I have PLENTY of carbs/ protein left, but only a FEW fats left. With only around 300 calories left, does it matter if I exceed my calories for the day to meet my macro goals? (I think so)
Can anyone help? Any recipes blogs? Protein powder recommendations?

I don't know where to begin.... Help me start



  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    I can't imagine how much fat you need to lose at 5' tall and weighting around 113-115 lbs. because you fall into the normal BMI range. As far as food is concerned, planning ahead has helped me meet my macros. I keep protein powder and bars for my low days. Once you hit your dietary fat and protein then fill the remaining carbs with foods you enjoys like snacks. Yes, going over your calories will hinder your weight loss if you do it too much. Perhaps weight lifting and strength training will help you better at this point because you don't need to lose weight.
  • nicsflyingcircus
    nicsflyingcircus Posts: 2,759 Member
    First, your macros need to work for you. If you find you use more dietary fat, I'd switch to a 40/30/30 carb/fat/protein setup. This would also make it easier to make your protein macros.

    Personally, I shoot to hit my protein, come close with my fat and don't worry about my carbs much. If I am hitting my protein and close on fat, it tends to balance out anyway, which is kinda the point.
  • TommyWillWright
    TommyWillWright Posts: 6 Member
    This is what I do so feel free to use it.

    Eat more Protein, Lean meats, fibre and fewer carbs and fats.

    Recently I have been weighing myself once a month because I am in the late stages of a ripping cycle.

    So far it has been 18 weeks (as of today start of week 19 I have gone from 30% Body Fat down to 12.2)
    Last month I lost 1.1%BF but gained 4lbs (on my diet that is 1400Kcals) because of muscle growth!
    It works about about 1.2kg of muscle at my bodyweight in a month!
    Protein and good lifts medium weight time under tension 3 sets of 8 and DIET!

    The start up weeks are about adjusting your macros you want to aim for about 50%+ protien
    35% carbs 15% fat. always favour carbs over fats and always favour protein over the rest, you won't hit this target often but it gets your mind shooting for a target so you will endeavour to get there.

    I try to eat more protein than carbs, more carbs than fats.
    The way to quench any junk cravings is to burn off the calories of the junk food before eating it in that day,
    As your proteins are constantly high your muscle will have an abundance of protien to repair and grow. while most of the day your blood sugar will be sustained from your fat stores. This also applies through workouts, your FFA's will be used in exercise and promote accelerated fat loss

    Although you need fats and carbs to stay on weight, your target is to lose weight and gain muscle.
    So logically you need more protein and less of the other two but you still need some so at least 15% of your diet needs to have fat and carbs at bare minimum.

    Also Proteins are hard to digest and can slow your bowls, so the carbs you eat should be a good source of fibre and relatively low in fat. Most high quality protein shakes have fibre, my advice shop around.

    FINALLY! and most importantly, set your self at least 200-400Kcals over starvation mode, sounds strange to eat more but it is a safety net for your metabolic rate.

    You need your body to be metabolising fat constantly if you enter starvation mode your body will try to protect the essential fats surrounding muscles like your heart, by slowing your metabolic rate temporarily until you eat, this means any protein synthesis will slow up to 75% while your body shuts down the repair effort in favour of feeding you meaning torn muscle will take longer to heal, prolonged fatigue and soreness, tiredness.

    For example, If you do a good session of cardio 200-500Kcals of cardio and you only eat 1200Kcals a day and your starvation at your body weight is at 1100Kcals this will drop you immediately 100-400kcals right in starvation mode and your body takes mere minutes to adjust!

    It's a pitfall that many people don't take into account when in the gym and lift for years to see no results in strength while staying trim and aching for days.

    Carry something like a protien shake or a mildly flavoured sugar drink in the gym to float your Blood sugar levels or you will find yourself losing half a days worth of metabolism.
    Yeah your muscle will feel burned but your digestion will have shut down and your insulin will have spiked like hell to maintain your essential fats as a result the work you put in will have mostly gone out the window, sure you will have burned fat in the gym but you also lost up to 30% of potential lean muscle growth!

    Muscle growth is the hardest target to achieve on a calorie deficit!

    Remember the frame work:

    High protein, your body needs to have to the building blocks of muscle constantly to hand!
    Low Carb, Low Fat (you need to moderate the amount of insulin you are producing to promote Fat metabolism
    Calorie deficit but not into starvation mode!
    Stick to 200-400Kcals above SM and get calories before or during the gym (after is too late!)
    Lifts need to be under timed tension don't rush you need to simultaneously burn up the ATP stores and rip the tissue 3 sets 6-8 lifts per set with slow lifts with good form and medium weight is be ample.
    Eat before the gym or sip protein or sugar drinks during the gym.
    !Keep out of starvation mode while at the gym.!