Anyone started at 170-180 and lost 20lbs ?

Just wanna know how long it took you to lose it and what u did ? I'm 173 and been stuck here for a year . 173 is the lowest weight I can get to after having my son in sept 2013. Need some advice. I want to get to 155 at least


  • Cherimoose
    Cherimoose Posts: 5,209 Member
    Need some advice.

    To lose fat, eat fewer calories, or increase your activity level, or both. I'm guessing your activity level has dropped while caring for your son?
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,230 Member
    Random cardio (dancing, jumping jacks, lunges), dumbbells, and eating healthier stuff (like the fruit and cheese single platters from Fresh & Easy) for lunch while in college.

    These were a while back, but proof that it has happened and is possible. :drinker:

  • matthawthorneisamyth
    matthawthorneisamyth Posts: 196 Member
    Started at ~170. Now at 149. Took me ten weeks and a lot of dietary fortitude plus a supportive girlfriend and a lot
    of Friday nights in the gym.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Started at 202, I weigh 135 now.
    It took a while, but I set attainable goals that weren't too aggressive. I ate at a reasonable/responsible deficit and went to the gym 3x per week
  • BombshellPhoenix
    BombshellPhoenix Posts: 1,693 Member
    Started at 170 lbs June of last year. 120 lbs Currently. Best advice I can give that helped me

    all the information there was instrumental. It comes down to logging accuracy and whether or not you can adhere and maintain a deficit. Food scale was one of my best investments
  • sunnymae
    sunnymae Posts: 57 Member
    Yes. But now he's 1 years old and I don't have to tend to him so much and I actually have time to workout. I would like to loose the weight badly. I went to the gym 4 times this week and do 30 min cardio and 30 min strength training ? Should I bump this up? And my eating habits haven't been horrible. It's just I found myself always hungry and notice if I atr just a piece of bread it satisfied me. But I keep hearing to stay away from whites smh
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Just wanna know how long it took you to lose it and what u did ? I'm 173 and been stuck here for a year . 173 is the lowest weight I can get to after having my son in sept 2013. Need some advice. I want to get to 155 at least

    I started at 187 and lost 21 pounds.

    Want to see what 20 pounds looks like?



    I lost, on average, one pound per week until the "spare tire" was gone. Be patient. Run the proper calorie deficit for your age/gender/size - and watch it melt away over the next 20 weeks or so.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Delete - double post.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    Yes. But now he's 1 years old and I don't have to tend to him so much and I actually have time to workout. I would like to loose the weight badly. I went to the gym 4 times this week and do 30 min cardio and 30 min strength training ? Should I bump this up? And my eating habits haven't been horrible. It's just I found myself always hungry and notice if I atr just a piece of bread it satisfied me. But I keep hearing to stay away from whites smh

    White bread is fine. It doesn't matter what you eat.

    What matters is the age old equation called CICO (calories in vs. calories out). The primer of choice that I like to recommend (because the blogger doesn't sugar coat anything and tells the truth) is here:
  • Zekou
    Zekou Posts: 17 Member
    I was 185, now I'm 147. It took me 6 months, but only trough eating clean. I do not exercise. I know i should but somehow I have problems with that, maybe one day :)
    It took me about 2 months to lose 25 lbs..
  • sunnymae
    sunnymae Posts: 57 Member
    Thanks so much ! Very helpful !
  • KhatLady
    KhatLady Posts: 51 Member
    And my eating habits haven't been horrible. It's just I found myself always hungry and notice if I atr just a piece of bread it satisfied me. But I keep hearing to stay away from whites smh

    Saying you don't eat terrible and then talking about being hungry all the time and snacking on bread don't really give any indication how you're really eating. A single slice of bread, plain, can be 100+ calories. Or you can eat an entire bag of frozen cauliflower or broccoli for the same 100 calories. People call things like that "empty calories" because there's very little nutritional value in 100 calories worth of flour, sugar and preservatives {assuming most store-bought breads}. It's the same with sodas and the like. There's no need to completely avoid them - I still eat "whites" and all sorts of junk food and I've lost more than 60lbs {22+ since Feb} and hit the high end of the so-called "normal" weight range for my height this past week. It's the first time I've seen that in more than 15 years. It's all about knowing that if I want to have cookies, it's going to mean I don't have the calories for junky foods in my other meals for the day.

    Log your food. All of it. Without guessing. Coming in and saying "Well, I had a sandwich and I guess it was like 300 calories," is a recipe for failure. You need to know that you are eating the appropriate number of calories. Not more, not less.

    Log your weight consistently to view your trends. Understand that women will fluctuate significantly based on their cycles. Also that not enough water, too much salt, strenuous workouts can all also cause big swings in weight losses and gains. Your weight will even fluctuate several pounds {and several times} over the course of a single day. You need to see a consistent downward trend over months. Learn to look for that and not obsess about the minor daily swings.

    Put an effort into exercise, but don't overdo it. Your body does need time to recover or you will likely injure yourself and give up. Remember, calories determine the weight loss, exercise for fitness. Exercise will make you more active so you can {and should} eat more, but it is not the magic bullet that makes it ok to sit down and eat a box of brownies.

    Find out what your calorie needs are. A lot of people go with the MFP suggestion of 1500 and it's probably wrong for them. Read the Sexypants guide, it will show you how to find your real calorie needs and go over all the stuff I already said far better than I -