Is anyone scared of the festive season??



  • nicjane113
    It's great to see everyone's replies!
    I love Christmas and love the food that comes with it lol. I don't have much to lose and find it hard getting these few lbs off but they go back on so easily!
    I don't usually count my calories on a weekend and christmas is a weekend this year! I'm gonna exercise during the week to help me maintain over the festove period!
    And most of all I'll enjoy myself and try not to think too much about my weight! Enjoy everyone!
  • Sprinkles77
    I'm not too thrilled about it. I can manage to avoid mostly the hard candies, "the fruit slices" and the other chocolate candies I allow around my home this time of year only. I banned yes banned sausage and cheesballs from my home so I don't eat all that fat!!! But the cookies and haystacks are going to be very hard to resist. We usually make two batches each week and share the with friends at school or whoever drops by...yes I have healthy food for the adults but the kiddos want cookies and since my home is overrun with teen boys the cookies are a must and they last oh about a day at most. They are fit I see no reason not to indulge them this time of year. They know they still have to limit it and eat healthy snacks too. I can handle the holiday parties as I ALWAYS eat a healthy lunch or dinner before I go or if I don't have time I pack me a healthy sandwich plus fresh fruit trays, and a veggie try to help me get through it without going over and eating pie, cake, candy, and all those very rich and fatty Christmas treats people bring... I can choose one. It'll probably be the really bad for you pumpkin cheesecake so pass a tiny lil' slice this way please.
  • Sprinkles77
    My philosophy is that about Christmas is about so much more than food (especially sweets!! why did that start?!) and I focus my energy into all the other joys of the holiday. Now I actually enjoy making food more than I like eating it. my family has a lot of Scandinavian traditions around Christmas that don't involve food, and I keep myself busy entertaining my younger cousins, decorating, wrapping presents, delivering presents, etc!!

    My plan is to ONLY have a dessert on Christmas Eve and day. I can usually avoid things pretty easy if they dont have sugar, so I am not really worried about anything else. I may even attempt to make some sort of dessert without sugar (or artificial sugar). It could be a fun experiment!
    You may be my new hero if you can only eat a sweet on those two days!!!
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    I would be more worried about the fact that you're scared and worried. This is a lifestyle change. After Christmas there will be new years, then Valentines Day then Easter then Cinco de Mayo, Memorial Day and 4th of July and so on.........

    Most holiday traditions involve family and friends getting together to celebrate and that means food most of the time. Food is nothing to be scared of, it's just food. If you're going to be succesful in changing your habits you need to figure out how to deal with these types of things from now on and move on.

    People who are a healthy weight do not obsess about every little bite that goes into their mouths. They may overindulge one day or even a weekend but then they go back to their normal habits. MFP is a great tool to educate you so that you understand the choices that you're making and to help you keep on track but it shouldn't rule your life.

    This season is stressful enough already because people put so many expectations on themselves and others. Why add another stress onto it? Just enjoy the time with friends and family. Indulge a little bit but not a lot and stay on track as much as possible.

    Just my opinion and you can take it for what it's worth.
  • brownsugar84
    brownsugar84 Posts: 40 Member
    Yes, I am definitely nervous about controlling my intake during the festive season.
    I cannot recall the last Christmas I spent without a cup of eggnog rum in one hand, and a plate full of Christmas goodies!
    Moderation is key, and I am determined to not be in a food coma this year!
  • SkierElle
    My philosophy is that about Christmas is about so much more than food (especially sweets!! why did that start?!) and I focus my energy into all the other joys of the holiday. Now I actually enjoy making food more than I like eating it. my family has a lot of Scandinavian traditions around Christmas that don't involve food, and I keep myself busy entertaining my younger cousins, decorating, wrapping presents, delivering presents, etc!!

    My plan is to ONLY have a dessert on Christmas Eve and day. I can usually avoid things pretty easy if they dont have sugar, so I am not really worried about anything else. I may even attempt to make some sort of dessert without sugar (or artificial sugar). It could be a fun experiment!
    You may be my new hero if you can only eat a sweet on those two days!!!

    Oh my family will try to shove them down my throat but I WILL stick to it!!!
  • HerbieSue
    Anyone getting worried about the upcoming festive season? - all of the nights out, drinks and food!

    If so, how are you going to deal with it?

    I just avoid the food tables at parties! Really! Like the above poster said, it's about family and friends and having a great time, it's not about the food! I have just been drinking my champagne and socializing at recent holiday parties and haven't even looked at the food or dessert tables, why tempt yourself? Eat before you go and the next day you will be proud of yourself!