

  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    See.....I don't consider something like that cheating. I guess I have a completely different outlook on food than many people. I had a family member tell me at thanksgiving (when I was reaching for a yummy sweet treat), "Hey you're on a diet, you're not supposed to have that." So I just grinned and responded with, "The beauty of my new life is that its not a short term diet. Its a completely new life and outlook on food. I can have whatever I want, but I plan for it, account for it, and take responsibility for my actions. Some days I'm going to have foods that are outside the norm of what I eat on an every day basis. This is life and it's a healthy one.

    I agree completely!!!! My philosophy too!! People still carry so much guilt for eating something outside their normal eating habits. And I think that's because they still have not gotten control of their VIEW of food. Still ruled by their bodies reaction to food.

    I see a cinnabon(my fav). The deal is now: occasionally I'll eat it and most of the time I DON'T CARE to eat it.

    I try to explain: FOOD should not control when you eat it, but YOU should control when you eat it.

  • superwmn
    superwmn Posts: 936
    I'm sorry that jerk ruined your day. Your body, your choice. You are an adult and make your own valid decisions. I get your frustration. People should never, EVER comment on what another person is eating.

    In these situations I always respond with, "I'm not on a diet. I get to eat whatever I want!"

    It's not a lie. I'm in this forever and nothing is off limits.

    Related to this issue, yet unrelated, I also firmly believe that you can never, under any circumstances, no matter HOW CERTAIN YOU ARE, ask a woman if she is pregnant.

  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    See.....I don't consider something like that cheating. I guess I have a completely different outlook on food than many people. I had a family member tell me at thanksgiving (when I was reaching for a yummy sweet treat), "Hey you're on a diet, you're not supposed to have that." So I just grinned and responded with, "The beauty of my new life is that its not a short term diet. Its a completely new life and outlook on food. I can have whatever I want, but I plan for it, account for it, and take responsibility for my actions. Some days I'm going to have foods that are outside the norm of what I eat on an every day basis. This is life and it's a healthy one.

    I agree completely!!!! My philosophy too!! People still carry so much guilt for eating something outside their normal eating habits. And I think that's because they still have not gotten control of their VIEW of food. Still ruled by their bodies reaction to food.

    I see a cinnabon(my fav). The deal is now: occasionally I'll eat it and most of the time I DON'T CARE to eat it.

    I try to explain: FOOD should not control when you eat it, but YOU should control when you it.


    Absolutely! **high five** Its the MINDSET that gets us trapped in "diets." Its so important to completely revamp the way you view food and how it fits into your world. Its probably the most important component of the journey! :)
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    See.....I don't consider something like that cheating. I guess I have a completely different outlook on food than many people. I had a family member tell me at thanksgiving (when I was reaching for a yummy sweet treat), "Hey you're on a diet, you're not supposed to have that." So I just grinned and responded with, "The beauty of my new life is that its not a short term diet. Its a completely new life and outlook on food. I can have whatever I want, but I plan for it, account for it, and take responsibility for my actions. Some days I'm going to have foods that are outside the norm of what I eat on an every day basis. This is life and it's a healthy one. You should try it with me because I'm so much happier now!" I mean seriously? You shouldn't feel guilty about eating what you did. Account for it and plan your day around it. One treat doesn't mean your day has to fall down around your shoulders......it doesn't mean you won't get in plenty of other healthy foods. When people talk to you that way just smile and respond in a way that makes them realize how silly they are. :)

    VERY well said!!! : )
  • shannonichole
    I have the same problem! Just say something like, "Moderation is allowed Mr. Nosy". He'll get the message and you'll still get your tasty cake!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    I have this problem with everyone around me too. If I skip a few days at the gym, people say when I return in a sarcastic voice "well, look who decided to return to the gym." As if I'm being scolded!:-P

    Also, my family chastised me the other week for making Christmas cookies. Pointing out "You're not going to fit in your wedding dress if you eat those." Seriously! It's not like I was going to eat them all myself, you know.:-P

    I really think that it comes down to jealousy. People see you're losing weight, then they see you eating something "bad," so they feel the need to point it out to make themselves feel better.

  • mandyshell
    Yeah, that does get old pretty quick.
  • PokenStick
    I don't understand why it's a big deal. Most people that make unsupportive comments about eating habits or dieting are being *****y because they themselves don't have the willpower to live a healthy life. Laugh it off, it's not a big deal.

    My co-workers know I'm dieting and they do the whole "stop losing so much weight, you're melting away" thing that is very unsupportive and always comes from people who are overweight themselves.

    Life is tragically too short to let your little victories of self control and nutrition (which this was for you) become frustrations. Smile and leave the anger to the jealous.
  • ZebraGlee78
    ZebraGlee78 Posts: 83 Member
    I kind of envy you. Nobody I work with cares enough to remind me of my goals.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    I don't tell anyone either...i'm afraid they'll just make me feel bad. My fiance the other night told me I eat a lot...then he followed it up with "but you work out so it's ok"...Yeah i eat a lot, but i eat a lot of GOOD stuff now. That's the exact same reason why i'm not telling anyone I'm having an eco-friendly wedding...they'll just sit there and tell me everything that isn't eco-friendly...i can't help that the soles of my shoes aren't made from bamboo ok! but my ring, my dress, my wedding party's clothes, and my decorations are all organic or sweat shop free so UP YOURS!!!!!! I don't have my MFP friends on my FB, I like to keep it seperate, because those on my FB aren't as supportive as those on my MFP page. And I don't want anyone to critisize me and my weight loss journey.
  • NutritionDivaRD
    NutritionDivaRD Posts: 467 Member
    I don't understand why it's a big deal. Most people that make unsupportive comments about eating habits or dieting are being *****y because they themselves don't have the willpower to live a healthy life. Laugh it off, it's not a big deal.

    My co-workers know I'm dieting and they do the whole "stop losing so much weight, you're melting away" thing that is very unsupportive and always comes from people who are overweight themselves.

    Life is tragically too short to let your little victories of self control and nutrition (which this was for you) become frustrations. Smile and leave the anger to the jealous.

    Oh my goodness gracious...that is the SWEETEST profile pic I have ever seen! What a PRECIOUS PRECIOUS picture! :)