
Hi there! We just signed up for netflix on our Wii system and I was looking to do a few things since I have been at the gym for a few days and want to rest but still workout. Is pilates hard and would you recommend it?

Also how to you enter workouts that have dance in them? I saw a couple on there and didn't know how to enter in the tracking of exercises.

thanks so much


  • lucy65
    lucy65 Posts: 22
    I LOVE pilates! The 10 minute solution dvds are wonderful. i can break those down to 10 minutes here or there and have done 40 minutes by end of the day. one of my favorites is crunch super slim down pilates yoga blend with ellen barret. my all time best for results dvd that has worked for me is core fusion body sculpt. amazing.

    there are so many instant play ones available on netflix and that is a good thing!

    you have wii? we have the dance 2 for wii. and that kicks my rear end big time. i log dancing as dancing-modern, twist ballet. it's in the data base:) hope this helps. happy workout!
  • mrsbuzz
    mrsbuzz Posts: 576 Member
    Yes I have the Wii but not the wii fit. Can you play the games without the board. I was asking about dancing DVD's!
  • clairebeej
    I would definitely recommend Pilates - especially if you are hitting the gym a few days a week. It will strengthen, tone and condition your muscles - plus provide some relaxation and calming (which we all need!). It really helps to improve your posture and lengthen you, so you automatically LOOK slimmer too :)

    As for the Wii - you can find things that don't need the balance board. I'm hoping to get one of the dance games for Christmas for a bit of fun and calorie burning but right now the one I use the most (far more than Wii Fit) is Wii Active. It comes with resistance band and a strap for around your leg (so it can tell how intensely you are doing the exercises and if your form is correct). It is basically circuit training, a minute of lunges, a minute of squats, etc, running, boxing, dancing - all kinds of stuff on there but short bursts. It kicks my butt - really makes you sweat but you never do anything for so long that you get bored - worth checking out for the times you can't get to the gym (I have a toddler and a husband that works shifts, so I can rarely get to the gym for a workout).

    The great thing about the NetFlix thru Wii is that you can try out so many different workouts and never get bored of them. You can log the dance workouts under cardio but obviously you won't know exactly what your calorie burn will have been...