Second date outfit and what to order? Please help

Please help! We're doing Sushi but for dinner. The website says the restaurant is casual, but idk. I can't really find anything nice to wear. Also does it look too small?

Thank you so much

I was planning on asking if we could get two rolls of something and share but I'm. It sure how it works. I've never really gone to sushi restaurant before. I would want something with tuna or scallops/crab, just wasabi for dipping, and a little scared of the rice. I don't think they do brown rice and I've never tried sashimi before :(


  • brevislux
    brevislux Posts: 1,093 Member
    It looks fine. And I'm sure there are other things on the menu other than sushi anyway so you can get a wakame salad or miso soup or something of the sort.

    You seem to be really tense about this, try to relax, this is supposed to be fun, not scary. :) Enjoy it.
  • annette_15
    annette_15 Posts: 1,657 Member
    I think your outfit looks great! Get a soup or salad to start and share some rolls, just dont go crazy and have a good time :D
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It looks great!

    You can always get a soup and a california roll with imitation crab meat if you're afraid or raw fish. That would be like 400-500 calories depending on the soup.

    Two rolls is really not much food for two people though, I don't suggest doing that... well unless it's the big fancy ones I guess. But you don't want to scare him off making him think that you're starving yourself.
  • thanks so much guys, really appreciate it!

    I'm going to have some coffee to not be as tense and will def order more than 2 rolls haha. Def don't want to get a salad again, he told me straight up last time he doesn't like salad lol.
