10 Minute Trainer

Has anyone used the 10 Minute Trainer videos before? Did you find they worked?

I started them last night . . .I am really sore today . . .


  • mzenzer
    mzenzer Posts: 503 Member
    They are a great beginner workout or something to supplement a longer workout or to do as a second workout. After 60 days or so I'd look into "upgrading" to Power 90 if you like Tony Horton or something like Chalean Extreme or Turbo Fire. I haven't done the last two but they are very popular here.
  • bpayne78
    bpayne78 Posts: 249 Member
    I had them but I ended up selling them on ebay a while back in order to get my Turbo Fire workouts. I did like the fact that they were short in duration, that they worked multiple muscles at the same time, and when I did get in there and push play I did see some results. However, the downside, for me, was the fact that it almost took as long to set everything up as it did to do the workout. (Putting the strap through the door, stringing the band through that, then putting the waistband through the handles, etc) I had to use different bands for each area worked, (i.e. lighter for my arms and heavier for legs) so that was a lot of changing things around. Also, even though I was overweight at the time that I was doing them, I think that I was a little further along athletically for it to do much for me. Same for the Leslie Sansone Walk Away the Pounds videos, they just are not enough of a challenge for me.

    With that said......ANY workout that you can stick with and have proper form with so you don't injure yourself, is a great workout, because you stick with it. Hope this is that workout for you. Good Luck!
  • literaryshots
    literaryshots Posts: 66 Member
    I still love mine for those crazy days when I am struggling to find the time. Or when I'm feeling bored, just enough workout to get me energized. Love the yoga stretch after a long day!