

  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I'm wondering if I follow my own brownie recipe for the dry ingredients (uses part whole wheat flour, part stevia, and cocoa with gogi berries) if I will get good results. I'll have to try it this weekend. If it's any good, I'll post it.

    Would be way healthier than a processed brownie mix.
  • umfan85
    umfan85 Posts: 113 Member
    I have been SO curious to try these. I am soaking beans now, will try to make these tomorrow!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Well, how were they?
  • iamstaceywood
    iamstaceywood Posts: 383 Member
    I made these today, low sodium beans. Make sure you really puree the crap out of the beans. I liked them very much. I'm bringing them to work with me tonight and noone knowsw how i made them and im just gonna let em have at em and see what everyone says later.....haha. Hubby said the texture is off, they are kinda playdoghey. The brownie mix covers the bean flavor very well tho.
  • Hummmingbird
    Hummmingbird Posts: 337 Member
    yaaay! im glad you were brave enought to try them! and very glad you liked them! :tongue:
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    So, I experimented today. Here are my results:

    Basic mix:
    1/2 cup cacao and Gogi berries (Whole Foods Market)
    1/2 cup cocoa
    1/2 tsp baking soda
    1/2 cup sugar
    1/2 cup Stevia (cup for cup measures to sugar)
    1/2 tsp salt
    1 cup whole wheat pastry flour
    1/2 cup white flour
    1 can black beans, drained and rinsed, returned to can and enough water added to fill can
    1/2 tsp vanilla

    Mix all dry ingredients. Process beans and water until smooth and add vanilla. mix wet into dry ingredients. Spoon into mini muffin tins to fill each of 24 spaces. Bake at 350 for 18 minutes.

    This makes a not bad healthy brownie. I also added things to the basic recipe to see what was even better. Of course, all of the additions add calories and fat, so it's up to you. this is what I tried:

    1) 1/3 cup French Vanilla Latte instant coffee mix- MMMM, good.
    2) 2 TBSP Carnivale Cake Ground coffee- good taste but gritty texture
    3) 1/3 cup Mayan Dark Chocolate Lattte mix- Better than plain, but not really noticeable as a separate flavor.
    4) 1/2 cup crunchy peanut butter- Good flavor but dry, crumbly texture- definitely needs work.

    So there are some ideas. I am not a chef/baker, so if someone with more culinary skills wants to give us some recipes, I"m game to try them.

    I added the recipe to the recipes section. I'm not sure how to access those yet.