Addicted to the scales!



  • TyphonRex
    TyphonRex Posts: 79 Member
    I've found that weighing myself daily really helps me keep my health and weight loss efforts in the front of my mind. So, I'd say there's nothing wrong with it.

    That said, the human body can be a funny thing, and it's not particularly odd for weight to fluctuate based on when you last ate, what you ate, and how much water and waste is in your system at any given time.

    It's the ongoing moving average that's important.

    The weird uptick in weight will resolve itself soon enough.
  • cdoesthehula
    cdoesthehula Posts: 141 Member
    You understand yourself that the readings are not meaningful in the way you're using them. There is a lot of spurious precision, that is the figure on the display isn't necessarily your exact weight. Plus a lot of the factors that influence your weight are down to things like water.

    You know these things yourself. So why give them any power inside your head? I don't believe it sets you up to have a problem, but I don't think it is particularly useful. So if it's worrying you, by all means move them to your parents.
  • nwright77
    nwright77 Posts: 5 Member
    Oh my, this is so me :0

    I admit I weigh myself on a daily basis, first thing in the morning after going to the bathroom. I'm happy when it goes down and not happy when it goes up! I only record my weight once a week though. I agree with TyphonRex in that seeing your weight on a daily basis keeps your weight loss in focus so not to fall off the wagon.

    I have had several clusters of weeks where I had not lost nor gained any weight, even fluctuating up and down by a few pounds, and the frustration of trying to figure out where you are going wrong with what you are eating. In the end, it was what I was eating. By weighing myself daily as the weight goes down, I know that what I am eating is the way to go.
  • GoGoGirl1111
    GoGoGirl1111 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi, It's true, weighing every day is a disaster waiting to happen: I have just started and really want to hit those scales myself after just 2 days, but I wont, and will wait until the 7th day: That way I will get a wonderful surprise and some incentive....

    It's also harder for women, we gain and drop so my fluid every couple of days:

    My advice, weigh yourself naked at the same time every 7 days :) Good luck
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    i waited weeks initially.
    now im on a downward spiral i check every 2/3 days at the gym, and try to record a weigh in weekly.
    hope this helps.