Day 5 - already struggling

I am baffled as to how I got to this weight, 14st 4lb and 5ft tall. Am in early fifties, my feet and joints ache when I walk or try to get up and am aware of bone/joints health issues linked to age and poor health lifestyle. I decided to sign up and address my weight/dietary issues. I did reasonably well on Day 1&2, however on Day 3 I got so hungry and on my lunch break I went to a Chinese eat all you can - Total MADNESS. AS if that was not enough I had been invited to a CREAM TEA party that Friday evening, I did try to resist however everything that I love in the world of cakes, scones, chocolate mousses and more was staring at me and vigorously beckoning me to yield - I EVENTUALLY SUCCUMBED to temptation - TOTAL MADNESS. I did well yesterday and stayed within total calorie range. TODAY I am not working and I am struggling to keep motivated but above all, I am struggling to choose healthier food options. WELL MY WEIGH IN IS TOMORROW MONDAY - and I am determined to stay focused. WATCH THIS SPACE!!!::