My diet and exercise plan

Im going to try out my "diet" well kinda for a week and see how it goes.

Breakfast- my meal plan drink from my doctor to lose weight (well that what she said) and fruit
Lunch-Rice and vegetables and fish/chicken
tea break- fruits and water
Dinner- same as lunch

Mon- dance and Ab
Tues- elliptical and dance
Wed- basketball or frisbee
Thurs- dance and butt
Fri- elliptical and dance
Sun- rest

Also what kind of heart rate monitor is good? thinking of buying one that is not too expensive


  • Taeyonnie
    don't eat rice so much. I think it might be better if you cut your dinner because if you eat your dinner like your lunch (which includes rice) which is bad carb, it is like taking in already up to 1500calories a day. BUT! if you want to eat, just cut down the amount of rice to 100g and separate it to 5g per lunch and per dinner. That way, it can be better. For the exercise, I think if you want more quick and better results, you should at least exercise for 2hours a day. Good luck!
  • BenjaminMFP88
    BenjaminMFP88 Posts: 660 Member
    don't eat rice so much. I think it might be better if you cut your dinner because if you eat your dinner like your lunch (which includes rice) which is bad carb, it is like taking in already up to 1500calories a day. BUT! if you want to eat, just cut down the amount of rice to 100g and separate it to 5g per lunch and per dinner. That way, it can be better. For the exercise, I think if you want more quick and better results, you should at least exercise for 2hours a day. Good luck!

    Umm? K...

    OP, The diets fine, I would encourage to ensure vegetables/meats are the predominant foods in lunch and dinner but that's more of a preference. So long as you burn more then you eat you'll lose weight. I'm assuming your DR already ran though how much you should be eating a day so I won't go there.

    Your exercise routine relies heavily on cardio, why only abs and butt? Only working two minor muscle groups while negating everything els wouldn't provide for very promising results. Might I make a recommendation on a more popular routine?

    Monday - Push Lifts (Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, Abs)
    Tuesday - Cardio
    Wednesday - Pull Lifts (Back, Biceps)
    Thursday - Cardio
    Friday - Legs (Quads, Calves, Hamstrings, Glutes)
    Saturday/Sunday - (Pick one day between Saturday to lift on whatever muscle group you want to focus on the most. If you want to focus on a Push, do this on Saturday and rest on Sunday. If you want to focus on Pull, it doesn't matter which one you chose. If you want to focus on legs, do them on Sunday and rest on Saturday.) Personally, I would rest for both or let this be a light/fun cardio days.

  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    don't eat rice so much. I think it might be better if you cut your dinner because if you eat your dinner like your lunch (which includes rice) which is bad carb, it is like taking in already up to 1500calories a day. BUT! if you want to eat, just cut down the amount of rice to 100g and separate it to 5g per lunch and per dinner. That way, it can be better. For the exercise, I think if you want more quick and better results, you should at least exercise for 2hours a day. Good luck!

    Just no. :huh: :noway:
  • kessler4130
    kessler4130 Posts: 150 Member
    A carb is a carb, there are no bad carbs. Your body sorts macro nutrients just like a change machine would, you eat food, carbs go in the carb slot, fat goes in the fat slot, protein goes in the protein slot. Your body doesn't care what year the nickel was made, how rusty the quarter is, macros are macros. Rice is fine, it does not matter when you eat rice.

    Anyways, my take on your diet, looks low on fat unless you are eating 16 ounces of salmon at one of those meals, I really don't see any other fats aside from the small amount that would come from the rice. I personally alternate, chicken for lunch, salmon for dinner. The fats from the salmon help with satiety and keep my from over eating (when i'm cutting anyways).
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    don't eat rice so much. I think it might be better if you cut your dinner because if you eat your dinner like your lunch (which includes rice) which is bad carb, it is like taking in already up to 1500calories a day. BUT! if you want to eat, just cut down the amount of rice to 100g and separate it to 5g per lunch and per dinner. That way, it can be better. For the exercise, I think if you want more quick and better results, you should at least exercise for 2hours a day. Good luck!

    Rice is not a "bad" carb. It's a carb. It has 4 calories, regardless of source. Now the number and amount of associated micros might vary but the calories do not. In weight loss, it's the calories she needs to worry about.

    OP, be sure to weigh all your solids and measure all your liquids to give yourself as accurate an idea of your calorie intake as possible.

    And exercising at least 2 hours a day for quick/better results? What crap articles have you been reading that you think this was useful or accurate?

    OP, the best exercise is the exercise that you'll stick with. If you jump into this all gung ho, you might also burn out after a couple of weeks. Easing into it is best for long term use and in order to minimized the chances of injury.
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Also, the HR monitor is only going to be useful for steady state cardio, so your elliptical. The rest of your listed activities won't give you accurate calorie burns per a HR monitor.
  • Mrssammerlotte
    Mrssammerlotte Posts: 7 Member
    I get what the other poster is saying. White rice may not be the best choice, go with brown rice instead. You are going to get so many different opinions because nutrition is not an exact science. Everyone has their own beliefs on the subject. That is why some people pick a "balanced" diet, others pick paleo, and some even choose to eat only raw foods. All three groups believe they are choosing the best diet, but the truth is we dont know for sure. Maybe some foods are excellent for some people, but they arent so great for others.
    My advice would be to log calories and try to stay within your range. Choose a variety of fruits and veggies and other foods, and of course, listen to your body. If you are doing something wrong, your body will let you know. One way or the other.
  • JonathanLepoff
    JonathanLepoff Posts: 46 Member
    Polar is a good name in heart rate monitors they come in a broad range of prices. I would guess you will want one that counts calories too.The monitor uses your heart rate to estimate calories burned so for some activities you will have a small number even if it feels like you worked hard. You can check them out on Amazon or other sites. I would suggest aerobics classes particularly ones that also involve weights. The advantage of classes is that they include exercises that you might not do on your own (in my case squats and lunges). The dance class would be good if gets your heart rate up
    Eat brown rice not white
    good luck
  • brower47
    brower47 Posts: 16,356 Member
    Eat whichever rice you enjoy more. There's no need to be ricist.
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Polar makes a decent HRM. That being said, if you are trying to use it to track calorie burn, it's going to be useless for basically everything you have listed there except the elliptical, and even that will be incorrect unless you are going at the exact same pace for the entire workout.
  • WaterBunnie
    WaterBunnie Posts: 1,370 Member
    You'll lose weight but you'll be bored out of your mind I expect after a couple of weeks. I think you're restricting yourself far more than you need to. Soups, stews, baked potatoes, wraps, cereals/porridge, salads all really good for you and add variety. Even, dare I say it, the odd ice cream is not going to stop you losing as long as you're eating less than you're burning!