The Pill weight gain

Hello Everyone,

For the past two months I have been taking the pill for heavy painful periods lets just say I gained weight, I went from 52kg to 60kg in the space of two months, I told my Mum and she said I didn't look my weight?! my waist is 26inches it was 24 prior to gaining the weight, I am 5,3 and I can tell I have gained weight as my clothes are a little bit tighter but not 10 pounds tighter (if that makes sense?) I was wondering if this could be water weight/retention? I have stopped taking it and am not half as hungry as I was when I was taking it. Will I lose the weight if I stop taking it?

Thank you.


  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    Call the pharmacist and ask.
  • zoeysasha37
    zoeysasha37 Posts: 7,088 Member
    Every body reacts differently to different medicines. You should talk to your doctor about this. But your weight gain could also be caused by other things like, eating a surplus of calories.
  • Hello,

    I wasn't eating a whole lot of calories, I over estimated, I was eating normally 1800-2000 calories and gaining weight before taking the pill I ate 2200 maintenance.
  • You may want to talk to your doctor about this. There are a ton of different pills out there for you to take- ask if you can switch to one that you wont gain weight on. I know yasmin (generic ocela) worked well for my sister and I, and neither of us gained weight on it.
  • aliakynes
    aliakynes Posts: 352 Member
    It isn't an all-or-nothing type of thing. You can ask for a different type or a lower dose to find one that will ease your symptoms without making you hungry all the time. Talk to your doctor about it.

    And yes, the pill will make some retain water.
  • For me personally, I was on the pill for about 5 years and just went off of it about 10 months ago. I know a lot of people will say both negative and positive things about the pill, but I'm one of the negative ones. :tongue: I lost about 20 lbs within those ten months and now my body is all out of whack, as far as my cycle goes. The pill is good for a lot of things, but it makes you forget what your body is really like. Just my opinion. Honestly, I could have lost that weight for different reasons. I did change my lifestyle quite a bit and I was depressed back then, whereas now I eat healthy and am also much happier. So I guess you just have to weigh the pros and the cons of it and decide if the absence of your difficult cycle is worth the retention of a few pounds.