Do you reward yourself and if so, how?

I have certain milestones that I hit and I usually just say, "Yay me!" and move on but a friend was telling me how she rewards herself as she got to her pre-pregnancy weight she bought all new bras and underwear, when she got to her wedding weight, she got a mani-pedi. Just curious if others do something similar and if so... what?

Current stats: 38 years old, 5'8", down 35.5 lbs and 23" since May 1.


  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    FBM(full body massage) after a long run

    Current stats: older then you, taller then you, down less, and 23"?!? Are we measuring salmon in British Colombia?
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,603 Member
    The weight loss is the reward for me.

    I do get new clothes when I go down a size. I no longer buy entire wardrobes for each size I lose because I'm never in them long enough and it's ridiculously expensive.

    But I get some, :)
  • logg1e
    logg1e Posts: 1,208 Member
    Good question. I don't really reward myself.

    Saying that, having to buy new clothes (lovely clothes that I actually want to wear) is very rewarding in itself. Also, when I have a big cardio burn at the gym we tend to eat a takeaway that night.
  • skruttan44
    skruttan44 Posts: 86 Member
    I have certain milestones that I hit and I usually just say, "Yay me!" and move on but a friend was telling me how she rewards herself as she got to her pre-pregnancy weight she bought all new bras and underwear, when she got to her wedding weight, she got a mani-pedi. Just curious if others do something similar and if so... what?

    Current stats: 38 years old, 5'8", down 35.5 lbs and 23" since May 1.

    I do try to reward myself too :smile:
    Shop for cute clothes I couldn't fit into before, maybe some other things like luxury skin care, just to give myself a treat.

    It feels good, and it is also replacing my behavior of rewarding with a food treat...
  • Eselte
    Eselte Posts: 49
    I haven't lost enough to reward myself but it's a great idea!
  • dgobbett
    dgobbett Posts: 53 Member
    I made a deal with myself when I started losing weight when I hit milestones (personally set) I would buy myself something I have really wanted. a big milestone which would be over 100lbs lost would be a trip or a motorcycle something I have always wanted but been to big to do.

    It definitely helps me push and push.
  • randomworldgirl
    randomworldgirl Posts: 106 Member
    I wouldn't call them rewards.... just things I don't want/can't do while I'm too fat (in my mind)...

    For example:
    I have waist length hair that I'm about to cut into a short bob as soon as I get under 200 lbs.... (down 54 lbs so far, another 13 pounds to go).
    I want to go horseback riding, but I'm not doing that until I'm down to 175 (another 38 lbs to go).
    Buy and wear size 8 jeans.... I have no idea what weight I need to be because I've never been that small. I just know in 10th grade I was down to 160 and wearing a size 10. So I think when I reach my goal of 140, I should be able to fit in size 8.
  • SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage
    SarcasmIsMyLoveLanguage Posts: 2,668 Member
    Wine. I reward myself with wine. :drinker:
  • helenarriaza
    helenarriaza Posts: 517 Member
    Starting weight: 285lb

    Weight loss goals and rewards:

    270: REACHED JUNE 5 2014
    265: REACHED JUNE 12 2014
    260: REACHED JUNE 20 2014
    255: REACHED JULY 31 2014

    250: Wreck this Journal
    245: hair done
    240: Hannibal season 1
    235: New Book
    230: 2 pairs of jeans and 5 tops
    225: Day off work
    220: Go to a concert (or arrange for it)
    215: 2 pairs of shoes
    210: 2 pairs of jeans and 5 tops
    205: Bastille Album
    200: New pair of Nike Free run
    195: Run a 5k
    190: Weekend out
    185: Missing HP books
    180: Magazine Subscription
    175: Room Makeover
    170: Hannibal season 2
    165: New hair color
    160: Teeth whitening
    155: Run a 10k
    150: Go out Dancing
    145: Go swimming
    140: New wardrobe
    135: Epic dress
    130: Trip to somewhere new

    Extra rewards for anything particularly cool:
    Not gaining: Exercise clothes
    Resisting some really bad cravings: Watch your favorite TV show

    Reaching 15 VAM: REACHED
    Reaching 30 VAM: Cooking class
    Reaching 45 VAM: Pool or beach
    Reaching 60 VAM: Underwear

    1 week without full sugar soda: book
    1 week without pastry : MNG top

    5k weekly: ACHIEVED JUNE 28 2014
    6k weekly: ACHIEVED JULY 03 2014
    7k weekly: ACHIEVED JULY 10 2014
    8k weekly: XXI headband
    9k weekly: XXI socks
    10k weekly: to be found
  • RHSheetz
    RHSheetz Posts: 268 Member
    Yes, I reward myself for major milestones, (50, 100, 150, 200)... Everything from a new tablet, to new jewlery. I like to buy things that I can hold on to forever (or a long time) just to remind me of the accomplishment.

    My next goal is to lose 50 lbs (down 30 of it) and I get to train my trainer.