7 pounds in one weekend

I went to a wedding this past weekend, got home and made the mistake of weighing myself...up 7 pounds from the time I left a mere two days ago! I know a lot of this has to be from water retention but am looking for some support and any advice people have on how they get back on track. Needless to say I'm a bit down about this!


  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    No big deal - especially if you're weighing yourself late in the day. Water weight, salty foods, alcohol, undigested food, waste - any of it can show as a gain on the scale.

    Wait a few days - eat well, get back to exercise (if you were doing that before), and try the scale again first thing in the morning after you wake up & use the bathroom.

    No matter what, you didn't gain 7lbs of fat in one weekend. :smile: