Stuck at 205 please help



  • katrinadulce
    katrinadulce Posts: 61 Member

    Well chocolate I replaced it with peanut butter. Sugar drinks I replaced with water, ice tea, and fresh fruit shakes (no added sugar) and the rice well I guess veggie pasta or just have beans by themselves.

    As my activity calories I just go by what the gym equipment calculates or what MFP displays on the log.

    The reason I asked, is because it seems as if you were saying that you maintained your calorie intake despite eliminating quite a lot of junk. If that is the case, then you should be eating quite a lot because the volume of food would increase. You shouldn't be so hungry all the time. Maybe you should tweak your food goals and either increase your protein or decrease your fat. Unless you are making your own, peanut butter and granola bars can be seriously high in fat and sugar. They aren't terrible for you, but aren't particularity healthy or filling.

    As far as the activity calories goes, I find that MFP tends to overestimate my intensity levels. I had to reduce my daily calorie goals to compensate before I actually started losing at the 1-1.5 pound projected rate.

    I lost over 112 pounds, and for whatever reason, once I hit the 200 mark, my weightloss stalled. I hit my first plateau at about 203 and it took me 3 month to get AND STAY below 197. Right after I got below 197, I lost like a shot for the next 2 months and then slow and steady after that. Sometimes your body needs some time to adjust.
    Focus on your measurements for now, and as long as you see progress there, stick with it. Whatever you are doing is working.
    If you don't continue to see progress, think about changing some of your food choices to things that are more nutritionally dense without being so calorically dense. Also, reassess how much effort your workouts actually take. You may be stronger than the treadmill or MFP gives you credit for and are therefore not actually burning as many calories they say you are.

    Other than that, it sounds like you are doing rather well. Keep it up.