Heavy Lifting Advice

I've lost 30 lbs this year so far doing swimming, biking, and running. My legs have gotten some great toning. Now while I have a bit more weight to lose to get to my goal of 200 lbs, I'd like to start planning for the future and that includes weight training. Problem is I really don't know where to start as far as how to put together a regimen.

My goal would be to work to gain strength in my core, back, and arms. I'd like to be able to do more than 10-15 push ups and being able to do any pull-ups would be a real victory for me. Swimming has added a little toning to my biceps, but more would be great.

If anyone has a link to a good resource or a breakdown of what exercises to do that would be great. Any advice is welcome.

Here are also some things I "know" but am not sure are true, so confirmation of truth or not would be great too.

- You have to eat more to actually gain muscle.
- Gaining muscle is very slow.
- Lift 5-8 reps per set and be dead tired at the last rep.

Thanks and much appreciated.


  • nlcs_nickyv32
    A good starting point for any weight lifting is Strong Lift 5x5.


    It is a pretty simple program to follow and it will help with your goal to lose weight. It is progressive so you will get stronger while losing weight. The link has all the info about how to set up the program and has video's so you can see what the proper form for each exercise looks like.