I way overate today...

FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
and I freaking loved it!! :laugh: :love:

Today was my 10th wedding anniversary and I ate total crap. Started the morning off with decaf coffee with half and half and raw sugar. Spring salad from whole foods with crutons, full fat dressing, cheese, and noodles (but I didn't eat the noodles). Creamy hashbrowns on the side. Real crab sushi. A few organic lollipops as treats, then a custard roll from a mexican bakery and queso chili chorizo filled bolillos. 3000-3500 calories later and I'm a total pig but you know what, this day only comes once (for most people :laugh:) so I enjoyed it.

Will it set me back? probably but I enjoyed every minute of it.

Do you guys ever (intentionally) do this and just let go? :drinker: :drinker: cheers


  • SheGlows
    SheGlows Posts: 520 Member
    Loved reading this!

    I just had a day a little while ago where I ate almost 6000 calories and I didn't stress at all (a first!), so I was really happy with myself over that.

    Happy 10th anniversary, glad you enjoyed yourself!! Keep it up:-)

    ETA: The creamy hashbrowns sound delish. How did they make them "creamy"??
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    I let go this past weekend and had 8913 calories on Saturday and 6381 on Sunday. I was away with a big group of friends (without internet but with tonnes of food) and I couldn't easily count calories or weigh stuff. Oh well. I regret nothing. It was all delicious!
  • FaylinaMeir
    FaylinaMeir Posts: 661 Member
    Loved reading this!

    I just had a day a little while ago where I ate almost 6000 calories and I didn't stress at all (a first!), so I was really happy with myself over that.

    Happy 10th anniversary, glad you enjoyed yourself!! Keep it up:-)

    ETA: The creamy hashbrowns sound delish. How did they make them "creamy"??

    They were made by the whole foods kitchen people. I assume it was creamy because they added a lot of extra milk. Honestly they weren't the greatest, needed salt and pepper but we were on the road most of the day so meh I had to eat them as they were.

    It's funny on a day to day basis I have issues eating enough because I eat tons of fruits and veggies and those are filling but low in caloric density but when you eat things like bread rolls, oh boy :laugh: meh... I might regret it tomorrow if I weigh myself but I won't stress. (much)
  • TheArchyBunker
    TheArchyBunker Posts: 1,967 Member
    Today was my cheat day! To over eating!