What is your self-motivating mantra?

Today, I used my "Just 5 minutes," motivator to exercise. Basically, when I am not motivated to exercise, I tell myself to do just 5 minutes -- and it leads to the next 5 and the next and 31 minutes later, I did almost 12 miles on the stationary bike for a total of 150 calories burned. Yay :-)

What personal motivating statements do you use to get you going when you don't feel like exercising?



  • chauncyrenayCHANGED
    I tell myself, "If I want to do this, i'll find a way... if not, I'll find an excuse." (It's on my signature!)
    I also say, "Discipline is remembering what I want most, not what I want now."
    These usually help! =)
  • DawnOf1969
    DawnOf1969 Posts: 726 Member
    "What will I choose today? progress? or excuses? my body. my choice."

    I have found I'm bad at making excuses. so now I identify them as excuses and work through them.
  • abyt42
    abyt42 Posts: 1,358 Member
    "Don't leave those boys without their mama" is working for me right now. I wasn't ready for my mom to go (she was 62, and she died of an estrogen-reactive cancer. Being very heavy contributed directly to her demise.) Off for the mammogram!
  • chris2991
    "Pain is weakness leaving the body" read it of the back of a marine’s shirt when I was walking in the mall and feel in love with it. Even taped it over my weight bench so I have to look at it while I’m lifting.
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    I love the Discipline statement! DISCIPLINE IS REMEMBERING WHAT I WANT MOST, NOT WHAT I WANT NOW. Awesome! Thanks :-)
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    "What will I choose today? progress? or excuses? my body. my choice."

    I have found I'm bad at making excuses. so now I identify them as excuses and work through them.

    You are so right! We make the choice everyday! Awesome!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I'M A THOR'S WOMAN RAWRRRRRG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    "Don't leave those boys without their mama" is working for me right now. I wasn't ready for my mom to go (she was 62, and she died of an estrogen-reactive cancer. Being very heavy contributed directly to her demise.) Off for the mammogram!

    I'm sorry to hear that. But it's so great that you use that motivation. Thanks.
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    "Pain is weakness leaving the body" read it of the back of a marine’s shirt when I was walking in the mall and feel in love with it. Even taped it over my weight bench so I have to look at it while I’m lifting.

    I love this one too :-) Thanks.
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78

    Heeheeeee! That is fun :-)
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I don't think my mantra's would work for anyone else... maybe LittleRock51 or DancingDreamer or SupperHippieChic or AprilRain4000.
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    Just do it. Works every time.
  • cowpoke06
    I seriously have conversations with myself. If I feel like not going to workout, I ask myself what is it I'm going to do instead. Usually it's something like watch TV or play video games. Really, am I that lazy that I'm not going to work out so I can watch tv????? That usually gets me going.

    Also, I always remember that I'm never going to regret or feel about about the times I go work out. I will regret and feel bad about the times that I don't.
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    Just do it. Works every time.

    What I love about this one is that it just doesn't leave any room for argument! :-)
  • bmq98
    bmq98 Posts: 78
    I seriously have conversations with myself. If I feel like not going to workout, I ask myself what is it I'm going to do instead. Usually it's something like watch TV or play video games. Really, am I that lazy that I'm not going to work out so I can watch tv????? That usually gets me going.

    Also, I always remember that I'm never going to regret or feel about about the times I go work out. I will regret and feel bad about the times that I don't.

    To part one of your quote, I have answered yes to that question more often than I care to admit! :-)

    To part two of your quote, awesome insight! Thanks.
  • yvonnej1
    yvonnej1 Posts: 904 Member
    'Failure is not an option' is my motivation atm.
  • Gogo76
    Gogo76 Posts: 581
    Read this one on another post similar to this.....J.F.D.I.!!!!!! I just adopted it as my own.

    Kind of like "Just Do It" with a curse word added. :laugh: I imagine someone standing in my face screaming that at me.....kinda like a drill sergeant. :tongue:
  • tracy39
    I tell myself that I will have so much energy after I workout that I have no excuse. I also love the saying "Just Do it". It so does not leave any room for arguments.
  • MontanaB
    MontanaB Posts: 439 Member
    Right now my phrase of choice is... I've Got The Power!!!!!!
    I know that people can motivate me all they want but ultimately it's down to me to run those last 5mins on the cross trainer..no one else will take my place - i got myself this way and its going to be me who gets me out :)