reconsidering my goal #.... (pic)



  • crystaltellor
    crystaltellor Posts: 10 Member
    155-160 is a perfect weight, I am 5'7 and my goal is 160. I use to weigh 125 when I was in high school and that was way to thin for my height and build. :smile:
  • mamagooskie
    mamagooskie Posts: 2,964 Member
    I think you should take it a few lbs at a time. Maybe see what you look like 160ish and then decide if you want to go lower. IMO though I think 140 would be too thin for sure.
  • Diannerv
    Diannerv Posts: 195
    I also the liked the lose 10# at a time response. Thats what I did. I am a short 5'4" who started at 182 my first goal was 150. I think you really have to just see yourself to evaluate what you want to look like as you go along. I am also turning 40 in just a few weeks and I know my body is distributed alot differently than in highschool. :) I am now down to 137 and want to get to 130 before I evaluate again. I now see that 125 is possible for me. And I also go on the size of clothes. I wanted to be a size 6. Hope that helps and good luck!!!
  • reneeot
    reneeot Posts: 773 Member
    When i look at the pic, that the one place i pick up on immediately as a place to improve is being more TONED.

    Glad I read all the posts! That is exactly what I was thinking, definition would give you a great look!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Hi-- I'm not sure what you should weigh at your height, but I am definitely for deciding where to go next once you reach that goal.

    I am 41, 5'6"--when I was in high school and until I had my son I was around 135 and considered myself a good, normal weight. After he was born the weight krept up another 10 lbs or so and did not lose that until I joined MFP last year. Anyway, I assumed I only needed to lose 8-10 lbs when I first started--that brought me back to the 135...but then I kept going and proceeded to get down to 120. I have been maintaining within maybe 3lbs. of this weight for the last 7-8 months.

    I can assure you I do not look too skinny now. I still look in the mirror and see imperfections that can be fixed. I can't remember the last time I was this weight--maybe when I was 13? I do think the body has shifted, changed, etc, over the years and with a pregnancy behind me. If you asked me last year if I would ever even attempt to go this low I would have laughed but now realize it's all up to the body. Get to your goal weight and keep on the program and just see where your body takes you and what you think of yourself at each stage. It's actually kind of nice not to have any expectations beyond a certain point.

    I'll add you --let me know if you need any other info! Take care and congrats on your losses so far!