
So I've pretty much been Miss Pudge Monster for YEARS now. So far I'm falling into good eating habits, but I start school in exactly a week. I'm lucky that I no longer work at my stressful, full-time job anymore & can just focus on my studies. Anyways, It's always easy to give advice, but I'd love to hear how everyone seems to balance out their busy lives. I'm currently taking baby steps, since I've fallen off the bandwagon my fair share of times, but any success stories, tips, advice, motivation, ANYTHING, would be greatly appreciated (:

Good luck & congrats on everyone that is on their weight loss journey!


  • thegreatcanook
    thegreatcanook Posts: 2,419 Member
    You can do this, just surround yourself with people who are succeeding at can add me!
  • ASH2038602
    ASH2038602 Posts: 215 Member
    Planning is important. A lot of people prep all of their food for the whole week over the weekend to avoid bad food choices when pressed for time. I also try to keep a lot of healthy snacks around.