moving right along with weight loss & introduction

Hi all. I am Angie and have been dieting since sept 1. My weight loss is 28lbs so far and I joined in hopes of continuing with my weight loss goal and meeting new friends for support. I hope to lose another 40 lbs by summer time.Thanks and good luck to everyone else out there on their weight loss as well.:wink:


  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    Hi Angie,

    Welcome to MFP. Congratulations on your weight loss :bigsmile: , you'll do great here. Lots of great people and support. Feel free to add me as a friend and I can offer you some support.

    Take care,

  • nickeymhughes
    nickeymhughes Posts: 115 Member
    Hi Angie, I'm new as well. Wow, great job with the weight loss thus far, it's hard sometimes, but worth it!... I started last month and have lost 10 lbs so far. I have the hardest time w/ controling eating as well as making it to the gym sometimes but as I lose more and more it gets easier and easier..Well talk to you soon... KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK =) and if you have any pointers let me know. I try to wait atleast a week and than throw away something in my closet that I don't want to wear again (ie, something I don't want to gain my weight back to fit back into.. lol) I have alot of clothes..
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    WOW 28lbs in 2 months thats amazing! Welcome! You'll DEFENITLY reach your goal by Summer at the rate your going! Congrats and good luck :smile: