Not losing weight

Hi All,

I have been trying to lose weight for the three weeks. I am female, age 28, height 5 Foot 2 and weight 139lbs, eat 1800 cals a day, exercise between 4 to 5 times a week doing 5x5 three times a week with 20 min cardio after and then the other day or two just pure cardio for 45min.

I haven't lost any weight or inches in this time so I am unsure of what to do? I have worked out my TDEE by averaging the cals I was given my different TDEE websites which range from 1750 to 1873 with goal of 15% reduction as i only want to lose 20lbs. I also but in my exercise as 3 -5 days so unsure if maybe I overestimated.

My dairy is open so any advice is welcome.



  • OllyJ_79
    OllyJ_79 Posts: 126 Member
    Your calculations on the TDEE look good, and your diary logging looks accurate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However the snacks section I suspect could be an issue

    7 Select at 7 Eleven - Chocolate Mini Doughnuts, 3 Doughnuts
    Cadbury - Chocolate Doughnut Correct, 1 doughnut
    Tesco Bakery - White Chocolate Chip Cookie (5pk), 1 cookie
    Homemade - 1/8 Slice Apple Pie, 1/8 slice

    Things like this are high calorie density, and beings they aren't being weighed in grams, I suspect you may be reducing your deficit to zero. Also your protein levels look to be very low, and your carbs very high, hence you could replace these snacks with more protein dense foods.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    new exercise can cause water retention for 2-4 weeks esp weight lifting...

    But that being said is your TDEE 1750-1873 or is that TDEE-15%?

    And based on what I can see in your diary you don't use a food scale often...which is important in logging accurately.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I haven't lost any weight or inches in this time so I am unsure of what to do? I have worked out my TDEE by averaging the cals I was given my different TDEE websites which range from 1750 to 1873 with goal of 15% reduction as i only want to lose 20lbs. I also but in my exercise as 3 -5 days so unsure if maybe I overestimated.

    they're just estimates anyway.

    Eat 1750 for 6 weeks. Measure/Weigh everything. Log everything.

    At the end of those 6 weeks, if you still haven't lost... congrats, you found your maintenance calories. Just do a % cut from the 1750 to lose.

    Conversely, if you've lost at the end of the 6 weeks, cool. Keep it up.

    Also, if you've gained at the end of those six weeks, then you know your TDEE is lower than the 1750. Cut, track another 6 weeks, reassess.
  • So. I started this last Thursday and weighed. By Friday I had lost some water weight and was down 2 lbs. NOW I just weighed this morning and im 3.5 lbs heavier?!?! I've kept to my calories and have eaten fruits and veggies out the wazoo, I drink water, have a diet coke with lunch, I hardly eat carbs. Like. I'm not putting anything in my body that isn't healthy. I'm so discouraged what is going on? Does the body bloat because it isn't used to the vast diet change. I went from eating HORRIBLY to eating at my 1350 a day, any suggestions, or something that could cause this?!
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    So. I started this last Thursday and weighed. By Friday I had lost some water weight and was down 2 lbs. NOW I just weighed this morning and im 3.5 lbs heavier?!?! I've kept to my calories and have eaten fruits and veggies out the wazoo, I drink water, have a diet coke with lunch, I hardly eat carbs. Like. I'm not putting anything in my body that isn't healthy. I'm so discouraged what is going on? Does the body bloat because it isn't used to the vast diet change. I went from eating HORRIBLY to eating at my 1350 a day, any suggestions, or something that could cause this?!
    regular. fluctuation.

    it's water or poop. Seriously.
  • Womens weight changes depending on where in your 'time of the month' cycle you are also. Don't stress over variations day-to-day, just try to keep an eye on the long term trends.

    I always think I'm not losing weight, but when I look back at what I weighed a month ago... I'm actually bang on target!

    Gems - If using TDEE isn't working for you, you could try using the MFP basic calculation to get you your base calories for the day and then adding on any exercise separately... you might find you get on better that way.
  • Thank god. To be completely disgusting I haven't pooped since I started this. Isn't that attractive. And I hardly pee. This blows. But I'm glad theres an explanation. You rule.
  • gems32
    gems32 Posts: 11 Member
    Your calculations on the TDEE look good, and your diary logging looks accurate for breakfast, lunch and dinner. However the snacks section I suspect could be an issue

    7 Select at 7 Eleven - Chocolate Mini Doughnuts, 3 Doughnuts
    Cadbury - Chocolate Doughnut Correct, 1 doughnut
    Tesco Bakery - White Chocolate Chip Cookie (5pk), 1 cookie
    Homemade - 1/8 Slice Apple Pie, 1/8 slice

    Things like this are high calorie density, and beings they aren't being weighed in grams, I suspect you may be reducing your deficit to zero. Also your protein levels look to be very low, and your carbs very high, hence you could replace these snacks with more protein dense foods.

    Thanks all for your advice, I will try and cut out the high calorie stuff and see if that helps. I just really want to lose this weight i did really well a few months ago with the 5:2 diet but just couldn't keep that up.

    Can you recommend any protein dense foods? That are easy to have with you, I'm not to bad in the week its the weekends when I really struggle.

  • What's TDEE or MFP?? I'm a newbie to these terms (:
  • cattitude123
    cattitude123 Posts: 50 Member
    ease up on the cardio and lift weights for inches lost
  • juggernaut1974
    juggernaut1974 Posts: 6,212 Member
    What's TDEE or MFP?? I'm a newbie to these terms (:

    Total Daily Energy Expenditure - the number of calories your body burns just to keep itself functioning (also known as BMR - Basal Metabolic Rate) + what it burns for all of the activities that you do (exercise, etc). Theoretically, if you eat the exact # of calories every day that is your TDEE, you will maintain forever.

    To lose weight, you need to eat somewhat (5-20% - depending on how much weight you have to lose) less than your TDEE.

    MFP is My Fitness Pal - the site you're on :)
  • Thank you (: I was eating a horrific amount of calories. My body isn't used to the intake of 1350, but it's gotten way easier, just with the healthy choices I've made. I have moderate workouts everyday at work, (I go up and downstairs who knows how many times) My Fitness Pal has always been great for me, but I weigh everyday to keep my chart on track for my personal knowledge at work, so when I weighed this morning I was shocked. Granted I was in my high hells. Does that make a difference on the scale?! lol
  • I've set up monthly goals and it felt like I was going backward even though I'm staying loyal!! But good to know!