Looking for suppport and friends

Hey there,
My name is Sarah and I am back for round 2. I have played the restart game far too many times and I have finally had enough. I am expecting a baby in December and I want to hold myself accountable during this time and after to be the healthiest I can be. I am going to need some friends to help me stay motivated along the way. I find I normally start off strong and then after a couple weeks I just lose momentum. I have to break these habits for good. I plan on logging EVERYTHING, even the junk I consume on my "cheat" days. I feel like this is a good place to start. Anyone looking for another friend?

P.s. I don't know how to change the title of my post....to many P's :(


  • melduf
    melduf Posts: 468 Member
    I think the P's are charming haha.

    I totally get you. I want to be fit before Pregnancy#2! Sweating before will make you sweat less later, since the more in shape you are, the easier the delivery.

    I also want to be a good model for my child. Junk can't be banned from our lives, so we have to be able to be reasonnable about it, set a good example for the kids!

    Feel free to add me. :smile:
  • theamorash
    theamorash Posts: 13 Member
    I've gotten off track lately as well, but am keen to get back on top of my diet and exerise. This is for the long term, and I need to find a sensible maintenance routine (once I've lost the pounds I've gained back).

    There may be a baby in my not-too-distant future as well (if all goes according to plan), so feel free to add me!